Get your ballots ready it’s “So You Want to Read Comics.” This is our weekly feature where we take a look at a single topic or genre, then give you two comic book recommendations, perfect for new readers, based on that topic or genre. This week we’re looking at elections.
If you weren’t aware, it’s an election year in the U.S. This means that for months, TV and computer screens are going to be covered in political ads, national and local news will be dominated by the various deeds and misdeeds of all the candidates, and there might even be a debate or two. While mostly associated with the democratic style of government, elections have actually existed in some form or another all over the world, in many different types of governments, dating back to ancient times. In the U.S., the first presidential election took place in 1789, which resulted in George Washington winning with John Adams coming in second, which at the time made him the vice-president. The inventions of radio and television have helped make elections both more accessible and sensational. Even in the world of fiction, elections and campaigns are used to set the stage for the drama, like in movies like Primary Colors, The Campaign, and Bulworth.
So, for those who love a bit of political theater, here are two titles that show what elections can look like in the world of comic books.

Writer: Christopher Hastings
Artist: Landon Foss
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Loki, the god of mischief, of lies, of stories, of curly-horned helmets, you know him, you love him, but would you vote for him? In 2016 in the midst of an actual U.S. Presidential election, Marvel released a 4-part miniseries that was essentially a satire of what was going on, with Loki as the central figure. What ensues is a humorous and at times a very on-the-nose take of what happens when candidates utilize the campaign trail to further their own agendas and not to obtain a position as a public servant. Told through the eyes of a skeptical journalist, the reader gets to witness how Loki is able to form a cult of personality around himself, spin every negative piece of press in his favor, and even use dire international incidents to boost his popularity. Also, in a strange twist of fate, this version of Loki became so popular that it was referenced in the MCU tv show featuring the deceitful Asgardian and still pops up from time to time in variant cover art. While the series does take place in the actual Marvel Universe continuity of the time there’s not a lot happening in this story that requires any sort of explanation that you don’t get from the story.

Writer: Mark Russell
Artist: Ben Caldwell
Publisher: DC Comics
In 1973 DC Comics published the first issue of Prez, which featured a teenager being elected President of the United States. The series ran for four issues before it was canceled. (Fun fact: The 5th issue of Prez was released in an anthology called Cancelled Comic Cavalcade, which was a result of the DC Implosion, an event that was covered by our very own Major Spoilers Podcast). But we’re not talking about the 1973 version of this series. We’re looking at the 2015 version. In this decidedly black comedy tale, the year is 2036, and a teenager named Beth Ross is elected president via Twitter, due to her popularity stemming from a viral video that dubbed her CornDogGirl. What follows is a presidential term filled with killer robots who like musicals, gerbil cages, and civil war. Yes, it’s a silly series. But, while it is a mostly goofy title, it does manage to have some salient points on some of the ways that modern elections intersect with pop culture and technology. Is this a gripping political commentary? No, but it has some fun moments and it’s only 6 issues long, so it doesn’t overstay its welcome.
What are some of your favorite fictional elections? What did you think of these recommendations? Let us know in the comments section below.
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