As the Atrians change their focus to look for Jin, the Princess has an opportunity to sneak into the palace. Does this mean that Kaya and Jin will soon be on their way again? Find out in Kaya #16 from Image Comics!
KAYA #16
Writer: Wes Craig
Artist: Wes Craig
Colorist: Jason Wordie
Letterer: AW’s Tom Napolitano
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 6, 2024
Previously in Kaya: Jin and Kaya find the missing princess leading a group of rebels. The rebels return to the Temple and Sister Rea allows Kay and Jin to come along if they are blindfolded. The temple has a holy spring the Atrians want access to. Rea wants to continue healing people. The Princess’ companion Varia believes Jin is the Golden One. The Princess is more cynical. She does not believe the good king will return to take back his throne. She does not think she could rule because so many people believe the Atrians will bring them wealth. Kaya just wants her to come with them so she and Jin continue their travels. The Princess makes a deal to provide their passage if they help her by distracting the robots in the city.
As Kaya #16 opens, Varia asks Jin about his powers. He explains that he meditates and does rites, and if he performs them correctly, the gods grant him a favor. He starts to confide in her that if he does them wrong, the Beast might get him. He asks Varia about the springs. With time, meditation, and tiny sips of water, she explains, the waters purify people, even their souls.
At that evening’s feast, Jin wonders if by trying to hurry to gain his powers, he has already ruined the prophecy. Has his soul been tainted? Would the waters here be enough to fix him? Later, he falls asleep and has a nightmare of the Beast. He grabs a cup and sneaks out to the spring. Tiny sips of water, he thinks, over many years. He plunges the cup in and drinks the water down, not once, not twice, but three times. And he collapses.
There is chaos at the palace. The new Atrian commander is convinced that the Golden One is in his city, and his priority is to find him. The King wonders about the Temple, which was the Atrians’ last focus. Besides, rebels attacked him. He wants the Atrians to protect him but is not able to command them.
When Jin collapses, Kaya awakens and goes looking for him. Varia finds him. Someone from the Temple figures out that he drank from the springs and drank far too much. The Princess comes in. The robots have left the palace, she says, and their mission is starting now. Varia, who we now learn is the Princess’ sister, decides to stay with Jin. The people of the temple work on him, but he starts to fade. The Sister says there is one thing which might work. There is a red lotus that grows deep within the spring.
The Atrians patrol the city streets, but the Rebels are familiar with the tunnels that run under the city and into the palace. They have a pair of keys that gets them into the royal treasure room. They load up their bags and quietly head out. But one coin slips out of a bag and rolls down the hallway…
The art in Kaya #16 does something interesting when the scenes are mainly about Jin. The backgrounds are dark. When he is among a crowd of other people, they look more normal. But when he is alone or mostly alone, and he starts to ruminate about whether he can fulfill the prophecy, his background is dark even to the point of being black. It is a clever way to reflect not only how isolated he feels, but also the sorts of deep thoughts that he keeps to himself. Against this darkness, the Beast appears red, and after he drinks from the spring, the tree also appears red.
I really like the scene where Princess Ell-Juna and her group of rebels sneak into the palace. This has all the trappings of a classic heist. Clearly, they have planned this out to the smallest detail. They were lucky in having the help of the former royal metalsmith who, after being fired, was willing to make replica keys for them. The Princess knows her way around and leads them straight to the treasure chamber, a room full of precious objects strewn about carelessly.
Life is full of uncertainties, and this sure is the case in Kaya #16. The situation can change at a moment’s notice and everyone from Jin to the Princess is primed to take action without a thought about the potential consequences.
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Jin takes matters into his own hands to try to purify himself of the Beast.