A mermaid and her axolotl companion are caught in a sandstorm while exploring in their mech. They need fresh water desperately, but is there any to be found? Find out in The Last Mermaid #1 from Image Comics!

Writer: Derek Kirk Kim
Artist: Derek Kirk Kim
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 6, 2024
Previously in The Last Mermaid: A lone mermaid is on a quest in a world that is a near desert wasteland.
The Last Mermaid #1 is a story rich in images and low on words. So far, there is only one character we follow as we start to get a handle on her world, a world we are plunged into. As the book opens, we see a large dune in a desert. Gradually, a mech appears from under the sand, and the following full page panel reveals the broken structure of a suspension bridge crossing the sand with no water to be seen.
After that breathtaking moment, the focus shifts to the mech where we see the mermaid curled up beneath the dome in a tank of water. She is unconscious or asleep. She has a small companion – an axolotl named Lottie, the cutest companion ever. It wakes her up by nibbling on her nose. Its face makes it look like it is smiling, but is it, or is that capturing its normal face? Plainly Lottie was warning the mermaid, and indeed the beeping alarm gradually gets her attention. The water toxicity has risen to 87%.
I love how intriguing this is. What we have seen of the world so far strongly resembles a dystopian future Earth destroyed by climate catastrophe. It is arid beyond words. For a mermaid to survive takes a lot of technology and still is risky, much like deep ocean exploration is for humans.
They have just survived a sandstorm, and next on the agenda is a search for water. The mermaid gets the mech started and it gradually pulls free of the sand. She must decide which way to go until Lottie bumps her nose against the glass. There is some sort of canyon in that direction. Something that plunges that deep may hold water.
They travel toward it. The mermaid marvels at the bridge, wondering what purpose it has. She does not see that there is something or someone on top of it. They reach firmer ground and the mech changes form with wheels for faster travel until they reach the brink of the canyon, and they jump down into it.
There is some truly lovely art in this book. The canyon has been carved out and looks outlandish, although not unlike some western rock formations. The light throughout has been a sandy orange, and that glow persists underground. The beams of sunlight make it feel like there is dust suspended in the air. The only contrast in color is the interior of the mech where the water tank is murky and greenish, like an aquarium that needs a water change.
The mermaid searches for water. Lottie lapses into unconsciousness briefly. The water toxicity has risen to 93%. The mermaid starts feeling uncomfortable. Looking through her murky water, she sees some sort of creature, potential food. She makes a grab for it with the mech and misses. It runs and she chases it. And she gets caught in a rockslide.
The art of The Last Mermaid #1 is beautiful and the setting imaginative. For a book of few words, we understand the initial stakes even if we don’t know exactly what the situation is and how a mermaid is here in this place.
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The Last Mermaid #1
The art of The Last Mermaid #1 is beautiful and the setting imaginative.