In the future, an elderly Luke Cage starts a new Defenders team while Steve Rogers tries to reform the Avengers. Find out if Captain America can save Tony Stark from the Raft in Avengers Twilight #3 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Chip Zdarsky
Artist: Daniel Acuña
Colorist: Daniel Acuña
Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Editor: Tom Brevoort
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: February 28th, 2024
Previously in Avengers Twilight: After “Hero Day,” the original Avengers were replaced by new heroes working with a totalitarian government. Luke Cage has reformed the Defenders and given the elder Steve Rogers another dose of the Super-Soldier Serum. After failing to recruit Kamala Khan, Steve tries to appeal to the public but engages with military forces. Luke and Steve’s next step is to save their old friend Tony Stark, a disembodied head on the Raft!
Avengers Twilight #3 starts with Bullseye being lectured for not shooting Captain America; she claims she doesn’t shoot unarmed civilians. Steve recruits techie Tyler to help them infiltrate the Raft to save Tony. Using an old Quinjet, Tyler disables security so Captain America can sneak in. He finds Tony Stark, but he also encounters both Bullseye and James Stark, who have made their own Iron Man armor. Bullseye decides to help Captain America and shoots James before leading Steve out with Tony Stark’s head, but makes a pitstop to recover the iconic Captain America shield. Tony dons his armor and destroys the Quinjet. Due to Steve’s quick thinking, he can rescue Tyler but struggles to fend off Iron Man while keeping everyone else safe. Luckily, Ms. Marvel shows up to save Bullseye and Tyler, and Thor appears to help fight Iron Man!
Interestingly, some of the best Marvel comics aren’t related to the main continuity. Avengers Twilight #3 is an exciting interpretation of what government could be. This comic depicts a dystopian society that has total control of heroes and media. Captain America slowly coming out of retirement and introducing his old team makes an excellent backdrop, especially with the dynamic art style. This style of art is right up my alley. The brushstrokes accented by firmer linework look great on the page, and the colors truly pop out when needed.
However, including James Stark putting on the Iron Man armor, Bullseye, who might be the new Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, and Thor, felt like a ton of reveals for a single issue. The book didn’t necessarily feel rushed, but there are a lot of nuances here that could use a few more pages to explore. This is a stark reminder that this is a limited series. I want to see James Stark reconnect with his legacy, and I would like for Bullseye/Hawkeye nuance, but because this is only six issues, we likely will not get it.
Avengers Twilight #3 is a remarkable book exploring unique and cool ideas that could last an entire comic run. But because of the limited nature, some plotlines will likely feel rushed. To assemble a whole team in six issues while exploring the nuance of a dystopian society is an extraordinary task. The creative team is doing an excellent job with the pages they have. With that in mind, Avengers Twilight #3 gets 4.5 out of 5 stars from me.
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Avengers Twilight #3
Avengers Twilight #3 is an excellent comic that shows the power of storytelling in unconventional settings.