His name is Dwayne Taylor. Years ago, he was the vigilante called Night Thrasher, but the time has come to return to action. Your Major Spoilers review of Night Thrasher #1 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: J. Holtham
Artist: Nelson Daniel
Colorist: Matt Milla
Letterer: VC’s Travis Lanham
Editor: Martin Biro
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: February 14, 2024
Previously in Night Thrasher: Dwayne Taylor returns to New York City, thinking his days as Night Thrasher are long over. But Dwayne finds the past difficult to outrun when his ex, Silhouette, seeks his help against a new criminal called The O.G. And the mystery of the O.G.’s true identity and what’s to come will change Night Thrasher’s legacy forever!
Night Thrasher #1 opens with a funeral and a eulogy, delivered by former New Warrior, Silhouette. Her father, Andrew Chord, has passed, having spent an unknown amount of time trying to atone for his misdeeds as the head of the Taylor Foundation, a community organization started by Dwayne “Night Thrasher” Taylor. Thrash himself is late to pay his respects, which almost starts a fight with Silhouette, his on-and-off ex. But that fight is only postponed, erupting when he announces that he’s dissolving the Taylor Foundation, effective immediately. Silhouette and the board members try to talk him out of his plans, but Dwayne is adamant, having died and come back by accident, now certain that he needs to change everything in his life. Before he can complete that, he runs afoul of gang activity, as a group of tweens perform a smash-and-grab on one of the new high-end boutiques in Harlem. When he engages one of the kids, he is surprised to recognize the fighting moves: They are his own.
As an old-school New Warriors fan, I was both happy and surprised to see that Night Thrasher was getting a mini-series of his own. I was even more surprised to see this book reference his death (in 2006, almost 20 years ago) and resurrection (in 2016) as recent events in Dwayne’s life. There is a fleeting reference to his recent activities in New York City, but not of his work with the 3X’s, and a couple of references to New Warriors history that don’t parse based on events in the issues. That said, this issue’s story holds together quite well, with Night Thrasher remaining bull-headed and straightforward in his goals. The art is interesting as well, dark and brooding, reminding me of Charlie Adlard’s Walking Dead work, as well as Mike Mignola’s. Silhouette and her jerk brother Midnight’s Fire also make appearances here, and are equally well-handled, as is the reveal of the mastermind behind the recent crimes. If you remember Dwayne Taylor’s life pre-resurrection, their face will be familiar, although confusing continuity-wise.
Dwayne Taylor’s return is strong enough that I’m willing to come back next time, despite wondering how a couple of the players in this issue got to the point where they started this issue, leaving Night Thrasher #1 with a well-deserved 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. The art is moody and dark, the story personal for our hero, and if they can explain why The O.G. isn’t dead anymore, I’ll be 100% on board with the new Thrasher status quo.
With Firestar, Nova, and Namorita now back from the dead as well, can a full New Warriors reunion be far behind?
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This issue's return to action also includes friends, foes, friends turned foes, and an impressive adventure hook in The O.G.
I just wish I knew where it takes place chronologically.