Orchis destroyed the mutant nation of Krakoa, but Cable has other concerns. Can he stop tomorrow’s problems and neutralize the Neocracy threat? Find out in Cable #1 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Artist: Scot Eaton, Cam Smith, and Victor Nava
Colorist: Java Tartaglia
Letterer: Joe Sabino
Editor: Jordan White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: January 17th, 2024
Previously in Cable: Strapped with a techno-organic virus, Cable only knows how to fight and survive. He initially returned to the present to ensure his future does not come to pass. After Orchis’ attacked the Hellfire Gala, mutants separated, trying to find a way to survive. But Cable sees the telltale signs of a threat that destroyed too many timelines.
Cable #1 starts with Cable infiltrating an Orchis facility after taking out a Stark Sentinel. After taking out a bunch of Orchis’ agents, he finds younger Cable and rescues him before Orchis can learn more about the techno-organic virus. The duo then team up to take out the Neocracy. This investigation starts by finding a reporter, leading them to a detective and then a graffiti artist. Finally, they meet a social media manager who seems to have a location for the Necrocy. Cable also reveals who the Neocracy is to his younger self. A pharmaceutical company has discovered a way to rewrite DNA into a race of energy beings and force the change on everyone.
Both Cables decide to attack Parvenu Industries and take out weird creatures before finding the brain behind the threat, the Grey Gargoyle!
I’ve always been on the fence about Cable. When we introduce a lot of time travel and timeline jumping, stories get more complicated than they are worth. The Fall of X event is riddled with timeline stuff, so I figured if any character had a unique perspective, it would be Cable. Looking at Cable #1, I am surprised we aren’t kneedeep in the Fall of X event. In fact, this comic introduces a new threat and a new villain. And because of that, I don’t feel the danger of the Neocracy. After years of setting up Orchis, the premise of Neocracy doesn’t have an impact. I think this villain could be a great antagonist for Cable, but this moment in continuity doesn’t feel right. It almost feels like we are looking for an excuse to take both Cables out of the event despite them being uniquely equipped to help.
The art is decent. The Stark Sentinels and the energy creatures look dynamic on the page. Cable’s iconic eye takes center stage on many of the panels, proving that effective coloring is as essential as good linework. With all that in mind, I wasn’t particularly inspired by some of the background work. But perhaps a more complex background would have taken our attention away from the words or the excellent character and monster design.
Cable #1 has the potential to be a decent storyline, but it doesn’t feel like the right time to publish this comic. I get that we want to give readers variety, but this book’s cover indicates this is a Fall of the House of X book. And in reality, Orchis isn’t the antagonist here but just another presence. With that in mind, Cable #1 is a 3.5 out of 5 stars for my tastes.
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Cable #1
Cable #1 creates an engaging antagonist but feels out of place in the larger continuity.