Tony Stark is here to stop Feilong and help Emma Frost after the Fall of X! Find out if Tony Stark can invent something to take down the Stark Sentinels in Invincible Iron Man #11 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Gerry Duggan
Artist: Andrea Di Vito
Colorist: Bryan Valenza
Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Editor: Darren Shan
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 18th, 2023
Previously in Invincible Iron Man: The mutant-hating industrialist Feilong has produced mutant-hunting Sentinels with Iron Man Technology. Feilong then framed Rhodey for murder and issued a cease and desist to Tony Stark, claiming ownership of the Iron Man tech. After the Fall of X, Tony teamed up with Wilson Fisk and Emma Frost to restart the Hellfire Club and married Emma Frost’s alter ego to keep up with public appearances. Now, they celebrate their honeymoon!
Invincible Iron Man #11 starts with Hazel, Emma’s current alias, and Tony Stark on their honeymoon in Hawaii. After hours, Tony wears the stealth armor and flies over to Krakoa to try and steal a unique metal. Guided by Emma Frost, he heads to her old home, where he is caught by a gorilla with multiple PhDs, a fact that is mentioned numerous times. After defeating the gorilla, he successfully recovers the metal and returns home.
With the metal, called mysterium, he builds a cane. He then tests to see what he can do with it. Captain Marvel can’t break it, Doctor Strange can’t affect it with magic, and it seems to bypass Spider-Man’s spidey sense. With it, he promises Peter Parker that his attack on the Stark Sentinels is imminent and that he will signal everyone for help.
It is interesting to see how Tony Stark functions within an X-Men storyline despite not being an X-Men comic. All the themes of an X-Men comic serve as a backdrop to the usual technology themes in an Iron Man comic. Invincible Iron Man #11 occupies a unique space in this regard. Emma Frost clearly carries the weight of the mutant problem, and the Kingpin adds a criminal element to it, but Tony Stark almost feels like he is in his own world, attempting to out-tech the bad guy. This is on-brand, but the story feels a bit unbalanced because it’s unclear how to perceive it. In my writing classes, I ask students to fulfill their promises in their writing. This book promises a mutant storyline with the Fall of X cover but doesn’t deliver satisfactorily. Perhaps the next issue will provide more closure on that front. Despite that, the art and coloring were good, although not as flashy as expected from comics. Great work by the creative team.
I’m not sure how well Tony Stark fits into X-Men themes. I think the creative team has done a great job within their framework, but Invincible Iron Man #11 needs more pages to explore what it means to be the husband of a hated mutant a bit more. Even just a panel stating Orchis propaganda could have been an exciting choice. Regardless, this is a solid 3.5 out of 5 stars, and I’ll be interested to see what happens with this new cane.
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Invincible Iron Man
The Invincible Iron Man #11 doesn't naturally fit within the Fall of X event but still tells a decent story.