The Superior Spider-Man has returned, but anyone who knows his history knows the real question isn’t why. It’s how? Your Major Spoilers review of Superior Spider-Man Returns #1 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: Dan Slott/Christos Gage
Penciler: Mark Bagley/Ryan Stegman/Humberto Ramos/Giuseppe Camuncoli
Inker: John Dell/JP Mayer/Victor Olazaba
Colorist: Edgar Delgado
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Ellie Pyle
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $6.99
Release Date: October 11, 2023
Previously in Superior Spider-Man: Otto Octavius, the villain known as Doctor Octopus, was dying. In order to cheat death, he used his skills as a mad scientist to swap minds with his greatest enemy, Spider-Man! The transfer gave Octavius more than just Spider-Man’s great power, it gave him Peter Parker’s experiences as well… including the lesson that with great powers, that must also come great responsibility! Ultimately, Parker’s consciousness regained control and Octavius returned to his original body, though he still struggles to remember his time as The Superior Spider-Man.
In the dead of night, Doctor Octopus returns to the lab where his cephalopod life began so many years ago, the atomic testing facility where he tried to perfect an unlimited energy source. When he enters the lab, though, he finds evidence that he also used it as a base of operations as Superior Spider-Man… including a fully working prototype locked inside a dodecahedron-shaped containment field. Otto marvels that he finished his masterpiece, but can’t remember how. That’s when the not-quite-a-flashback starts, revealing the truth of what happened, even though he can’t remember it. Early in his Superior career, “so many years ago,” Doctor Octopus hired an assistant, a young woman named Estrella Lopez. Ms. Lopez is nearly as brilliant as Ock himself, helping him unlock the secrets of the energy source he wants. Along the way, he hires an army of masked minions, adding insult to injury by making her wear the uniform as well. When Doctor Octopus steals her idea to finally harness the energy with melting Manhattan, it’s the last straw, leading Estrella to take foolish and drastic action.
This issue features a number of returning artists/art teams to celebrate ten years of Superior Spidey, but as much as I appreciate the intent, the various styles simply do not gel. Camuncoli, Ramos, and Bagley are all talented creators, but transitioning from one artist to another undermines the immediacy of the story, giving it the ever-changing nature of a fever dream. The work done here to retcon in the new villain is admirable as well, but I can’t for the life of me figure out why this is being presented as a “one-shot” issue rather than part of the new ongoing Superior Spider-Man book that’s about to kick off. The end of the issue sets up an interesting conflict, though, as Supernova doesn’t recognize the chunky dude with the bowl haircut as the Spider-Man who robbed and trapped her years ago, which sets up the possibility of an awkward team-up between Spider-Man and Doctor Octopus to deal with her return.
Even with the hefty seven-dollar price tag and my issues with continuity in the art, The Superior Spider-Man Returns #1 does have its moments, and even if this issue’s retcon feels a bit kludged together, it makes for the seeds of a compelling story, earning 3 out of 5 stars overall. If you loved the idea of a villain being forced to be a hero, or if you’re a fan of the (unbelievably) ten-year-old Superior story, this one may be worth your time.
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A one-shot issue that encapsulates a flashback, but ends with a cliffhanger and a pitch to buy the upcoming number one issue? Marvel's got some nerve!