After Orchis’ relentless anti-mutant campaign, Madelyne Pryor assembled her team to seek out mutant refugees. Find out if she can bring unity in Dark X-Men #2 by Marvel Comics!
DARK X-MEN #2 (OF 5)
Writer: Steve Foxe
Artist: Jonas Scharf
Colorist: Frank Martin
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Editor: Jordan White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 20th, 2023
Previously in Dark X-Men: Madelyne Pryor created a safe haven for mutant refugees after Orchis’ attack on the Hellfire Gala. On top of that, she has built her own team to go out and save people with heroes like Havok, Azazel, Gambit, and Maggott. However, a recent battle cost Archangel and Havok their lives, and Archangel’s body fell into the hands of Orchis.
Dark X-Men #2 starts with Havok being resurrected by Madelyne and Archangel’s body being sent to the Goblin Queen. This issue introduces a few new antagonists. Agen Krol is a robotics expert constantly in trouble for being needlessly cruel, and Agent Vallens is a magic specialist. Both of them work with an Orchis’ captured Goblin Queen. Meanwhile, the Dark X-Men team struggles to get their footing. With Havok resurrected, his body seems to have taken on a sickly appearance, and some of the mutants struggle with leaving Archangel behind.
Madelyne uses the Mercy Crown to see who may need help, and the team splits into two groups. Madelyne, Havok, Gimmick (now called Feint), and Zero, combined with the robotic Wolverine Albert, go after a young mutant and ponder their approach. Meanwhile, Azazel, Gambit, Maggott, and Emplate go off to the ocean to save the Morlocks before they are attacked by Archangel with a skull.
I’m surprised at how easy this story was to follow. Dark X-Men #2 presents a lot of complex ideas and a lot of characters. I mean, the cast is enormous, and we have to explore both technology and magic. But perhaps the most exciting idea is this new resurrection. As a singular theme, it doesn’t matter much to the story. But considering that the mutant nation of Krakoa has lost its ability to resurrect, it has a more profound implication. In fact, this idea of renewal happens quite often. Gimmick takes on a new name of Feint, implying a change. Zero connects to Albert, and we see two types of resurrection between Archangel and Havok. That presents a complicated book paired with the natural conversation of these mutants being outcasts. But the way the creative team offers this information is easy to digest, so kudos there.
The best part of these characters is that their designs are so dynamic on the page. The designs are so unique that they naturally come forward off the page. However, we lack those dynamic poses since this was mostly a transitional issue with little action. Great work by the creative team.
This is a well-designed middle issue. I don’t agree with all the excisions, but I respect the unique ideas. With that in mind, Dark X-Men #2 is a solid 4 out of 5 stars, and I’ll be interested to see how this issue compares to other comics in this title.
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Dark X-Men #2 has some fascinating ideas that could pay off in future issues.