Humans have discovered a new dimension. Humans love getting lost. Humans love getting lost in new dimensions. Your Major Spoiler review of Hexagon Bridge #1 from Image Comics, can be found, after the jump!

Writer: Richard Blake
Artist: Richard Blake
Editor: Oliver Zeller
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September, 13th, 2023
Previously in Hexagon Bridge: It’s the year 4040 and humans have found a pathway into another dimension that they refer to as The Bridge. After several drone cartography missions, humanity has sent in two human explorers.
Hexagon Bridge #1 opens with a woman making her way through a snowy landscape. She eventually collapses. She is then de-materialized and then reassembled in a completely different place. She’s then joined by another who calls himself Gerardus, who wants to know why she’s trying to map his home. Elsewhere a robot and a pair of drones search through a suburban neighborhood. They eventually come upon a house and inside is an unconscious man who looks pretty rough. Things then switch over to a house in Alaska where a young girl is revealing the contents of visions she had in the night, about the whereabouts of her parents. A team is then gathered to discuss how they plan to find the two explorers lost in The Bridge, with the decision being made that a super advanced A.I. would be used.
There are so many times, especially with first issues, where so much focus is given to cryptic snippets of things in an attempt to create intrigue. In many of those situations that’s all that’s going on and there’s not enough given to create a coherent plot. Then there are the rare occurrences when a comic is able to reveal a lot about the world the story exists in, while introducing the mysterious elements. Thankfully, Hexagon Bridge #1 is in the latter category. There’s no getting around it, you’re not getting much in terms of detail or any sort of clear idea of what is going on here in this issue. There’s a brief info dump at the beginning and by the end of this issue, you’re not going to know a whole lot of explicitly stated information beyond that. But, the creators are pretty clever in how they manage to still slip in things. For example, the whole scene with the daughter, Adley, sharing her visions with people is not treated as at all unusual, which suggests that in this interpretation of the future, psychic abilities are known and possibly even relied on. Also, in one of the vignettes, there’s a quick mention of one of the explorers regaining consciousness, but this isn’t revealed by him waking up, but by the world starting to dissolve, which suggests that whatever is going on, is tied to consciousness. It’s little touches like this that allow this issue to be cryptic and a bit obtuse, without being frustrating. That all being said, the issue does end on a fairly weak conclusion. There’s not really a cliffhanger or strong call to action for the characters involved, which makes this feel less like a first chapter but the first half of a first chapter.
There are two examples of the art in Hexagon Bridge #1, that really sticks out to me. First the designs of the various settings. This issue takes place in three primary locations with each one having a distinct color scheme and look. But, there’s a unifying theme where nothing is solid, but rather pieced together from shards and chunks of reality. It’s a neat effect that creates a juxtaposition with the hand-colored look that this issue has
Hexagon Bridge #1 does an excellent job at setting the scene and revealing enough about the world to give it some weight, without spilling the beans on what exactly is happening yet. Unfortunately, this issue doesn’t have a great ending which makes it come off as being a bit unfinished. 4 out of 5 stars.
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Hexagon Bridge #1
Hexagon Bridge #1 introduces an enticing vision of the distant future both visually and conceptually. Not getting the story moving more though, keeps this from being completely satisfying.