Layla has discovered the dark magical Underworld of New York, and she now fits right in. Check out the story in Sirens of the City #2 by BOOM! Studios.

Writer: Joanne Starer
Artist: Khary Randolph
Colorist: Khary Randolph
Letterer: AndWorld Design
Editor: Dafna Pleban
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 16th, 2023
Previously in Sirens of the City: Layla is a teenage girl who has arrived in New York City to eliminate an unwanted pregnancy. While avoiding her ex, Rome, she finds a new friend named Davi. Davi wants to help her escape the streets and introduces her to many magical forces. Little do any of them know that Layla is a Siren.
Sirens of the City #2 begins with Davi finding a hideout for Layla to sleep in, but two forces are at work. Rome is looking for Layla and finds Mari, who takes Rome to the King of the Underworld, and he strikes a deal. We also learn that he is an incubus but swears he never used his powers on Layla. After this incident, Mari finds Layla and teaches her a little about her powers and the relationship and battle between incubus and sirens. Sirens sway men while incubus seduces women, leading to conflict. Mari takes Layla to her mother to help with the child, which is part of both worlds.
During that meeting, the Sirens immediately realize that Layla is pregnant with a half-siren/half-incubus child, and they want her to carry it to term to use it as a weapon. They then refuse to let her leave. Meanwhile, Rome also learns that the baby will kill Layla because the child will feed off her energy.
Sirens of the City #2 is captivating because of the artwork. The comic is primarily in black and white but uses small splashes of color to provide emphasis. And that emphasis is engaging to look at because, often, it is not the focus of the picture. For example, Layla’s hair and magic are blue, representing her Siren ability. But the hair is rarely the most essential part of the picture; it is a steady reminder that she is who she is regardless of what she wants. We see splotches of green for the Underworld and red for the incubus. Exploring the artwork is perhaps more interesting than the story itself. For that reason alone, I want to read this series. While the book is thematically okay, even if it plays on some familiar tropes, the art makes it much better.
I like the style of Sirens of the City #2. While the themes of the miracle baby who can bring peace or destruction are a familiar idea, I find Layla and Rome fascinating to watch as characters. They feel distinctly like teenagers, and I appreciate that understanding from the creative team. Considering that Sirens in the City #2 is a solid 4.5 out of 5 stars and I will certainly pick up the next issue.
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Sirens of the City #2
Sirens of the City #2 is visually stunning and elevates the whole story to a new level.