Pip is trying to increase her social media following and is looking for the next trend! Find out what spooky media stunt happens in My Little Pony #11 by IDW Publishing!

Writer: Casey Gilly
Artist: Abby Bulmer
Colorist: Heather Breckel
Letterer: Neil Uyetake
Editor: Riley Farmer
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 5th, 2023
Previously in My Little Pony: Check out the Mane 5 on their latest adventure. Recently they convinced Discord that the return of magic is necessary. Now that it is a time of peace, the ponies return to their everyday lives.
My Little Pony #11 starts with Pip lamenting about losing followers after changing her social media content to more personal videos. Zip doesn’t really understand this lifestyle and gives Pip the cold shoulder. Pip has the idea to try and summon Naggie, a ghost with a tragic story. Researching online trends, there is a ritual to call her! She has Sunny and Izzy help get each component of the ritual. The first night, they start the routine of inviting Naggie when a glass falls off the table and breaks. On the second day, Sunny’s recipe book goes missing; on night two, there is a sudden blackout.
After handling all these supernatural events, Izzy is unnerved, and Pip convinces her to continue helping. On the third night, the ghost of Naggie appears and scares everyone! After the live stream ended, the crew learned that it was Zip dressed up as a ghost to scare the Mane 5! The next day, Zip and Pip talk, and Zip reminds Pip that she isn’t being true to herself and instead is using a tragedy for clout. Afterward, they make up and commit to trying to understand each other’s interests once more.
This is the first time I have read a My Little Pony comic without first talking to my daughter about it. Typically, we sit down, and I read through the week’s comics targeted at kids. My daughter loves this title, but she was under the weather for a while, and we never got to it before this review was due. My Little Pony #11 struggled with the consistency of previous issues. In this comic title, Pip already had a moment where she balanced her social media life with her personal one. This lesson has already been learned. While today’s culture glamorizes social media lifestyle, this theme is too complex for my 5-yo, and I believe my daughter is the target age group. I attribute this to a different creative team in this issue. My Little Pony constantly changes writers and artists, and I am unsure if that is by design. So when we use the same language as a previous comic, I think it is an editorial oversight. We could have arranged the characterization to a different pony with some minor edits if we considered the entire series run as a whole.
The art is My Little Pony is usually very simple, as is standard for a kid’s book. Simple art doesn’t overwhelm the young reader. This makes the art consistent, and I thought the interpretation of Zip playing a ghost was cool. Good work overall.
I am sure my daughter would like this comic, but I am on the fence about it. I felt like I had read this story before, and we aren’t adding new elements from the ones already built in the series. Maybe this week, I am too hyper-critical of a kid’s comic. But this is 3 out of 5 stars for My Little Pony #11 by IDW Publishing.
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My Little Pony #11
My Little Pony #11 backtracks on the characterization of Pip that slowed down the momentum the series had initially built up.