What were the unforgivable crimes of Paladin Stoneheart? And what do they have to do with a young woman named Shayde? Your Major Spoilers review of Stoneheart #1 from Image Comics awaits!

Writer: Emma Kubert
Artist: Emma Kubert
Colorist: Emma Kubert
Letterer: Emma Kubert
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 8, 2023
Previously in Stoneheart: Bubbly and headstrong Shayde Whisper has been inexplicably exiled from her magical guild and relocated, left only with vague memories and romanticized hope. But when she hears a sinister voice in her head that awakens a power beyond her comprehension, she’ll traverse her past and present to unravel her prestigious place within the mystical land of Athea!
We begin in black-and-white, in the land of Athea, where the council of paladins known as The Circle of Might has convened to discuss the fate of one of their own. Paladin Stoneheart’s crimes aren’t clearly defined, but the main complaints are a lack of restraint and self-control, and when she is brought in, she is clearly in the thrall of an unknown mystical voice. Cut to the present, where the former Stoneheart awakens in a wagon, on her way to the village of Lightspring Canyon, ready to start her new career as a blacksmith’s apprentice. She’s remarkably skilled for one so young, and enjoys her craft, though the designs that she creates are decidedly reminiscent of the paladins of Eshia. She feels almost like she’s living a dream, especially once she finds a young animal wandering the alleys of the city… followed by a deadly nightcat!
That’s when the blood starts flowing.
I found this issue immediately engaging, especially once young Shayde started interacting with the people of her new hometown, but the first few pages did have some issues with clarity of storytelling. The dreamlike quality carries through, though, and by the time it becomes clear that it’s a flashback, we get a shift in visual style and tone. Kubert’s art is incredibly lively, and the sight of Shayde working at her forge is not just a pretty picture, it’s detailed and interesting on multiple levels. Probably my biggest complaint about the issue isn’t the fault of the material itself, but the Previews solicit, which gives us a little bit TOO much information and undermines the early bits of the story. Fantasy stories aren’t as hard to sell as they used to be, but this one wisely spends time letting us interact with and understand Shayde Whisper, with has the double benefit of making me care about her plight and making me worry what exactly she did to be exiled.
If you’re fixated on The Hero’s Journey, Stoneheart #1 may not be what you’re expecting, but Emma Kubert clearly loves the setting and our hero, has done the work of world-building, and has the chops to make things interesting to look at, earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. There are some awkward moments in the telling of this story, but even with a few narrative hiccups, it’s both a good first issue and a satisfying individual comic chapter.
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So, the story itself tries to play coy with plot points clearly spelled out in the solicitation copy, but the resulting issue still manages to keep a little bit of mystery and ably showcase our very likeable protagonist.