Discord has captured the Mane 5 of Maretime Bay! Can Sunny use her alicorn powers to save them before Discord destroys all magic? Find out in My Little Pony #10 by IDW Publishing!

Writer: Celeste Bronfman
Artist: Amy Mebberson
Colorist: Heather Breckel
Letterer: Neil Uyetake
Editor: Riley Farmer
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 1st, 2023
Previously in My Little Pony: Magic has been glitching due to disunity in Equestria. While everyone is trying to accept the return of magic and the new earth pony plant magic that has arrived, tensions are high. While Sunny Starscout, a new alicorn, does her best to keep the peace, Discord has stolen the crystals that helped return magic in the first place. The Mane 5 ponies have managed to track down Discord, but Izzy doubts whether magic returning was a good thing. Discord traps the group in a cage over a large cavern without unity.
My Little Pony #10 starts with Sunny jumping up and down in the cage, trying to free the group. With magic glitching, she is not strong enough to release the ponies. Realizing they must work as a team, Hitch calls bunnies over to destroy the rope holding the cage while Izzy and Sunny work together to catch it before it catches. Zipp then finds a cave where Discord prepares to destroy the crystal.
The ponies start to distract DIscord while Izzy gets close enough to show Discord an old message from Fluttershy. Discord is reminded of the power of friendship and reminds him to lead with his heart. Discord returns the crystal to Sunny, and the Mane 5 returns magic to Equestria with a promise to never forget their friendship.
From my perspective, the pony comics are the best My Little Pony content being produced right now. My daughter is obsessed, and I intake this media more than I want. My Little Pony #10 engages me as an adult reader, so I don’t go insane reading with my 5-year-old (over and over again). This media isn’t geared toward adults, but the characterization and lessons provide enough interest. Looking at the character arc of Izzy and Discord in this series, we learn that being alone just kind of sucks. Watching them manage that emotion is a great lesson for my kids and an excellent reminder for me as an adult.
The art is interesting because it needs to be simple enough for a kid to not be overwhelmed. My Little Pony #10 does that incredibly well. I get the details I need with a substantial emotional impact. Still, it lacks complicated backdrops that may distract a young reader. But I haven’t gotten over the inclusion of cell phones in the new series… or the fact that they hold the cell phones with hooves.
This comic ends the Discord story arc, and the Mane 5 gained a powerful ally. But with the theme of unity ingrained in the series, a chaotic lord will indeed cause trouble. My Little Pony #10 provided great food for thought and complex ideas. With all this characterization, I am thrilled to see who the creative team introduces as the next antagonist. This comic is 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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My Little Pony #10