Mister Sinister has released parts of his genes to infect the Quiet Council, giving them elements of his personality. Find out what happens with a Council full of Sinister in Immoral X-Men #1 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Kieron GIllen
Artists: Paco Medina, Walden Wong, and Victor Olazaba
Colorists: Jay David Ramos and Chris Sotomayor
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Editor: Jordan D. White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: February 22nd, 2023
Previously in Sins of Sinister: Mister Sinister used Moira MacTaggert’s mutant power to create save points, allowing him to reset whenever he failed. Through that, he inputted his personality into the mutant resurrection process, which eventually went out into the world. However, the Quiet Council is starting to develop its own agenda, and his lab filled with Moira clones has gone missing!
Immoral X-Men #1 starts with the death of Nick Fury and a resistance squad. Emma Frost laments Charles Xavier’s soft heart at the killings before calling a meeting of the Quiet Council. The Council discusses their galactic plan and how to keep their empire alive. Afterward, Sinister comes up with a plan to deal with the situation, often complaining about a fail-safe he left in his missing lab. He devises a plan for manual reinsertion of a control protocol and attacks Emma Frost in her sleep. Emma sleeps in her diamond form and forces Sinister to retreat. Calling the Quiet Council, Emma Frost hunts for Mister Sinister.
Emma finds Sinister in a lab, and Sinister tries to beat her with a bunch of Cyclops chimeras. Emma can easily assert her dominance and makes Sinister beg for mercy. Sinister agrees to create more chimera for the Quiet Council in exchange for his life.
The Sins of Sinister event feels like a love story to evil mutants. What if Krakoa was everything people feared about them? As a thought process, it is fascinating, but I felt my interest waning in Immoral X-Men #1. And I think it is because Sinister is not engaging to me. In the scenes that featured Emma Frost, I was invested in her thought process. But in the scenes that featured Mister Sinister, I found him annoying. For now, though, it looks like Mister Sinister will be a secondary character for a couple of issues, which is fine by me.
The art had a few exciting moments. I liked the Sinister clone melting after conversing with the perceived original and the excellent chimera designs. But some images seemed slightly below Marvel’s standard work. And I wonder if that concerns the number of artists and colorists listed in this single-issue book.
I like the premise of this event, but I don’t know how I feel about its application of it. Sinister is a problematic villain to get behind when we have such a rich cast of characters to draw from. With that in mind, Immoral X-Men #1 is 3.5 out of 5 stars, and I’ll continue the series to see what Storm and other significant characters are up to.
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Immoral X-Men #1 had many good elements and sections I was lukewarm about. The premise is good, but the application is rough in parts.