Sen learns that Primoris knows about the planet Earth and is making plans to invade there next. Can she stop him, and what can Joi do to help? Find out in Voyagis #4 from Image Comics!

Writer: Sumeyye Kesgin
Artist: Sumeyye Kesgin
Colorist: Ellie Wright
Letterer: Sumeyye Kesgin
Editor: Kel Symons
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 22, 2023
Previously in Voyagis: Sen talks with Joi in her dream, but Joi seems to think that she is the one who is dreaming, and Sen is in her dream instead. Eventually, they figure out that they are in a common space created from features of both their worlds. Sen learns that Joi knows about the golden disc. Zakk is with Chief Zorr and his people when their science expert, Comba, figures out that the disc is a primitive recording device that contains information that indicates there is another sentient world somewhere. Sen awakens from her dream and finds herself tucked under Plabot’s arm. After a brief fight, she is knocked out again. This time when she awakens, she is before the last Alpha computer on Modia, which tells her that Primoris wants information from her childhood memories.
As Voyagis #4 opens, Plabot approaches Sen with a saw, not to kill her, but only to lop off her horns so they can fit a device to her head. Zakk arrives with Gorn, shoots Plabot, and frees Sen. He hands her a weapon and urges her to run. Instead, she boldly threatens to destroy her own brain unless the Alpha allows Zakk and Gorn to go and tells her what is going on. Surprisingly, Primoris agrees to her terms.
She wants to know what happened on the night she was left behind. Alpha tells her that something fell to Modia that night, something carrying a message. The message was fragmented, but Alpha was able to decipher enough to know that it had information about a habitable planet. As the Nau were telepathic, they felt that the rest of the message may have been picked up by them. The Nau were all, except for Sen, interrogated and killed. Alpha has been working on an interstellar ship for Primoris and his people to flee in a few years, before Modia becomes uninhabitable.
Zakk whispers to Sen that the golden disk confirms such a planet exists. Primoris overhears, grabs Zakk, and demands to know what else he knows. His attack knocks Sen out. Zorr arrives and his surprise attack on Primoris knocks Zakk free.
And Sen returns to her dream state and Joi. She tells Joi that Primoris plans to invade Earth and concedes that Joi and her home planet must be real. Joi reveals that they believe there is a gate somewhere. Sen demands that Joi return her to the waking world. She strikes Sen with a humorously large hammer.
Sen awakens with Zakk and Zorr. Zorr has decided the clans must make a stand against Primoris. But first they need to find an escape route. Sen tries to talk to them, but they are too busy. Instead, she begs for a few minutes to talk to Alpha. Alpha is damaged but warns of a trap outside.
Then the plot diverges into two significant events. Alpha directs Sen to a fruit that she must place within the interstellar ship. This may be Alpha’s last act before it is destroyed, and despite being mechanized and not capable of understanding many facets of the living, it has a sense that perhaps this will help Sen. We also get the sense that Joi has somehow had some interactions with Alpha before.
Zorr and his people attack Primoris, who proclaims that he is a god, although not the kind of god living civilizations create. He drifts through the cosmos, reaching planets and creating life upon them, only to watch it grow, thrive, and ultimately destroy itself. Zorr, quite cleverly, reinterprets and rephrases this. Essentially, Primoris is bacterial waste. He may be the origin of life, but living beings become something else through living.
The primary robot we see in Voyagis #4 is Plabot, who is a classic, bipedal, terrifying robot. This issue also shows us several of the more mundane robot workers. This is a world where the technology has a distinctly organic shape, and the other robots lean into this, and I like it a lot. They have four legs and widely different numbers of other appendages with built-in devices. Their weird looks fit in on this world. Later, in the hangar, we get to see even more of them including some that can fly and resemble jellies and smaller ones whose sole purpose appears to be carrying stuff. I appreciate that they look different from the life we have seen on Modia as well.
This is also the first time we get to see Primoris up close, and it is the first time he speaks so that we can understand him. So far he has been a tall, cloaked figure who speaks a different language and orders his robots to do stuff. I was not expecting him to grab Zakk, and when he does so, I was really not expecting to see fleshy tentacles flash out from the clock and grab him with horrible slurping sound effects. If he is a god, he does seem to be of the Lovecraftian variety.
Voyagis #4 is full of big ideas and there are a couple major plot points in this issue. The art does help keep them distinct from one another, but there are a few moments where one may need to double check or reread a page. Still, it fearlessly tackles some important topics with characters who are sympathetic and engaging.
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Voyagis #4
Sen figures out the dream world as Zakk learns more about Primoris and his plans.