After selling the Magron, Kaya, and Jin can start planning where to go next after Seth marries the princess from Goro Bay. But after the celebration, a few uninvited guests arrive. What do they want? Find out in Kaya #5 from Image Comics!

Writer: Wes Craig
Artist: Wes Craig
Colorist: Jason Wordie
Letterer: AW’s Tom Napolitano
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 15, 2023
Previously in Kaya: The Magron is dead, but so is Muska and Kaya is badly wounded. Seth asks his uncle Bulba, the shaman, to help her while Jin prays to the gods of Kahaka. Jin does seem to be touched by the divine, and Kaya recovers, but because of whom? Seth breaks the news to Kaya that he is betrothed to a princess from Goro. The Lizard Riders shift their loyalty to Seth instead of Zothan. Off in the shadows of some ruins near Goro Bay, a spy announces that the Golden One is approaching. Kaya and Jin arrive at Goro Bay.
As Kaya #5 opens, Seth watches from a distance as the Magron is sold. The queen is proud of him, but asks what happened to Zothan, and Seth tells her of Muska’s death and how Zothan abandoned him in the fight. Bulba checks on Kaya to see how she is doing. Physically she is doing well, but she is concerned because Jin thinks it is all because of him and their gods. Bulba says the little boy wants to believe in something, but Kaya does not think it is appropriate to let him believe in something impossible that he will never have. This is parallel to so many kinds of beliefs in our own world.
Seth meets Nula, the princess he is to marry. He also meets her brother Nepta who is pleased to meet the Lizard Rider. Kaya gets her share of money for the Magron. Finally she and Jin may be able to take the next step on their journey. One of the other Lizard Riders keeps Muska’s share as well as Zothan’s. Zothan declares he does not need the money and asks to speak to Bulba.
Zothan talks about how he has become fearful, and asks Bulba if it is true that Riders can shed their skin to take on the name of the dead. He wants to be reborn as Muska. Bulba tells him this is true, but he will need to renounce his name and his claim to the crown. He claims to have no use for the crown. He wants to become Muska and hopes that he will also gain his bravery. It is a painful process, but Zothan is reborn, even though his physical appearance does not change. Kaya and Jin happen to see this, and Kaya explains that the woman who became Queen was previously a farmer before she was reborn, but she was not reborn on demand like Zothan.
Night falls and it is time for Seth and Nula’s wedding, a ceremony that also affirms the union of two peoples. Jin, as only an honest little brother can, decides he must apologize now to Kaya for knowing about Seth’s betrothal and not telling her before. He won’t stop talking when she asks him to until finally she yells at him, disturbing the ceremony. Afterward, a celebration begins with dancing and music. A young woman from Goro Bay approaches Zothan/Muska and asks him to dance.
Seth asks Nula to dance but she turns him down. She does not indulge in frivolity. He invites her to travel back to his homeland. But that could be dangerous; she is safe here. She is happy to live here with an obedient husband at her side. Seth starts to realize that he did not know what he was getting into.
Kaya goes outside to be alone but Jin follows her and insists that she must forgive him. After all, it was his magic that saved her life, and she owes him. She tells him there is no such thing as magic. He runs away, calling her a liar, and falls off a low bluff. Kaya catches up with him. He does not understand how the prophecy will work if he is not magical. And then the brutes we saw last issue attack!
Kaya #5 takes advantage of the resolution of the arc to do some more thoughtful world building. Take, for example, magic. Kaya approaches it skeptically, and to her credit, her experiences have not supported its existence. But last issue we saw Jin when he prayed to his gods. Did he have a divine experience, or was this a depiction of his hope and his wishful thinking? In this issue, we see the ritual Zothan goes through to take on the persona of Muska. He undergoes a ritual to shed his skin which is painful, but is it truly magical? He feels like he is Muska, but he still looks like Zothan. Has he actually changed at all?
I continue to like the interactions between Kaya and Jin. Back in a safer setting, Jin is less on edge and acts more like a kid. Early on, we see he still dwells on having kept secrets from his sister. When they have money and can return to their quest, he becomes enthusiastic about it. Later, Kaya buys him the gift of a scroll of paper so he can write down his own history. This is not something she would ever use, but she understands how important this is to him. We continue to see how they differ from one another, but there is no denying that they have a close bond.
Kaya #5 is a terrific ending to this first arc of the story. While several plot elements resolve, some of them generate new questions. Much like life, not everything is tidy. And in this carefully crafted world, I am eager to find out what happens next.
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Kaya #5
Kaya and Jin reach Goro Bay and get enough money to pay for the next leg of their journey!