Ever since she found the golden disk, Sen has been having odd dreams of a place called Earth. Is there a connection between Modia and there? And who is Joi? Find out in Voyagis #3 from Image Comics!

Writer: Sumeyye Kesgin
Artist: Sumeyye Kesgin
Letterer: Sumeyye Kesgin
Editor: Shanna Matuszak and Kel Symons
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 25, 2023
Previously in Voyagis: Sen dreams of a place completely foreign to her – Earth. The junk she finds there is fascinating, but before she can explore too deeply, Zakk wakes her up. They reach the satellite she found and hook a line to it. They are able to bring it back to Modia, with the rough landing breaks the tow line. Primoris observes the crash and that they brought another object to ground. Sen retrieves the gold disk and brings it back to Zakk’s clan. Comba, one of their scientists, figures out that it contains a recording in unfamiliar languages. Sen falls asleep and slips into another dream. This time, she meets a young woman called Joi who identifies herself as a human.
Voyagis #3 opens with Sen talking with Joi. Sen feels that she is dreaming, and that Joi is part of her dream. Joi counters that she is the one who is dreaming, and Sen is part of her dream. After a few minutes of trying to wake up and get rid of the other, they decide to look around. Both of them see things from their own home worlds as well as things that are completely foreign. Joi identifies the cat that Sen found as an animal from Earth. Joi concludes that they must be in some sort of common meeting place.
Zakk wonders why Plabot attacked them so quickly and alone, and why it took Sen. He wants to rescue her, but Chief Zorr does not think they have enough people to spare for such a mission. They are interrupted as Comba calls a meeting to announce her findings. She has translated the golden disk. It is a primitive recording device, but it contains images and information that indicate there is another sentient world out there. I know we have seen stories imagining Voyager being found by other beings before, but this is a charming take in a universe where sentient life is not all that common.
Joi takes Sen to a wooded area with a lake. Sen marvels at this abundance of fuel, which fascinates Joy. Water is not used as fuel on Earth. She drags Sen down to the water to play, and it is Sen’s turn to be surprised. Surface waters on Modia are toxic, and this dream water is entirely different. They explore underwater, and suddenly the junk from both their worlds starts to appear again. Eventually, their conversation turns to the golden disk that Sen found, and Joi recognizes. Before they can talk further, Sen awakens.
And finds herself speeding along, tucked under Plabot’s arm. They fight and Sen gets away briefly, but it does not take long before Plabot grabs her again, determined to take the Nau girl alive.
Zorr and his people are fascinated by the images from Earth. They wonder where this civilization might be, and they don’t know if they can get to any computers that could calculate this. But Zakk feels that this is not just strange. He wonders if this is linked to Sen, her obsession about the disk, and the fact that the Tyrant is looking for her. More that before, he wants to find Sen.
Sen awakens in front of the last Alpha computer on Modia. It tells her that Primoris wants her alive. He needs her childhood memories. She was just a small child when her people were attacked, and she does not recall anything specific. Alpha is certain that the information he wants is in her brain somewhere.
Voyagis #3 opens with a dream shared between Sen and Joi. I like the way it is portrayed. There is just enough structure that the landscape is not utterly nonsensical, but within that structure, the combination of Earth elements and Modia elements combine to give the setting a surreal appearance. In contrast, the forest lake is pure Earth. Since we are a few issues in and we know that Modia is a dry, almost dead, world, we can almost see it through Sen’s eyes, a magical place of abundance. It’s a pleasant way to take a look at our own world for a moment.
There is good action in the fight scene between Plabot and Sen. Plabot is on a high speed vehicle and we get a sense of the speed of their flight. Somehow they manage to keep hold of the vehicle until Sen kicks free from Plabot and her tattered cape shreds off, dropping the robot to the ground. But Plabot does not need to depend on a vehicle for speed. It runs close enough to Sen to be able to zap her and catch her as she falls.
As improbable as it may be, I like the way the dreams are used to connect Sen and Joi to give impetus to the plot. We can look at Modia through the lens of a past Earth, and Earth through the lens of Modia and ponder the similarities.
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Voyagis #3
Sen discovers that Primoris wants her and wants her alive!