Amazon Studios The Rings of Power is here. We want all Spoilerites to have the best viewing experience possible and have the widest knowledge base about the Second Age of Middle-Earth. This is a weekly Let’s Get Nerdy article series highlighting a different piece of Tolkien I think you need to know about!
In past articles I have answered the question:
- What Are the Rings of Power?
- What is Númenor?
- What is the Second Age?
- Who are the Harfoots?
- Who is Prince Durin IV?
- What is Khazad-dûm?
- Who is Celebrimbor?
- What is the Last Alliance of Men and Elves?
- Who is Elendil?
- New Pics! Who are Bronwyn and Theo?
- What is Rivendell?
- The Rings of Power First Reactions Are In!
- What is Lindon?
- What are the Nine Human Rings?
- Empire Magazine’s The Rings of Power Covers
- New Character Pictures
- Will Wizards Appear in The Rings of Power?
- New Promo for The Rings of Power
- What is Eregion?
- Leaked! Rings of Power Trailer Breakdown
- The Rings of Power Teaser Breakdown
- New EW Rings of Power Pictures
- SDCC Rings of Power Trailer Breakdown
- Who is Isildur?
- The Rings of Power is Here! Read the Reactions
- Who is the Stranger?
- Who is Queen Míriel?
- Who is Ar-Pharazôn?
- What is the broken black blade?
- What is Mordor?
- What is Mithril?
- What are the Silmarils?
- What is Narsil?
- Who founded Númenor?
- Who is Galadriel’s Brother Finrod?
- Rings of Power Adds 15 New Cast Members for Season 2
- Who is Círdan?
- Will Celeborn Appear in The Rings of Power?
- Are Galadriel and Sauron Enemies in Book Canon?
- Who is Narvi?
Last year Fellowship of Fans broke the new on Instagram that actor Jamie Bisping (Benson), had been cast in the role of “Viran” in The Rings of Power season 2.
That’s all well and good, of course, except a cursory Google search yields absolutely nothing for “Viran” or “Viran, Tolkien”. What does this mean? It means fans are left to theorize, hypothesize, and make the very best guesses we can.
Does this mean I have a guess?
Of course it does!
Was there a reason I informed you about the character Narvi in last week’s Let’s Get Nerdy! feature?
You know it!
I certainly don’t think so.
While Fellowship of Fans did break the news to the wider internet the actual source for the casting announcement is Spotlight. Spotlight is a casting website. Recent visits will notice the Viran credit has been removed, but Fellowship of Fans came with a screenshot which can be seen below:
The rival fan theory which emerged in the comments of the original Tweet is Bisping in the role of Anárion – continuing the idea that “Viran” is a codename. Let’s Get Nerdy! readers will remember that Anárion is Isildur’s younger brother an co-founder of the Kingdom of Gondor. Personally, I don’t ascribe to this character because we have the character Eärien (played by Ema Horvath), who is Isildur’s younger sister. Personally, I suspect there’s no Anárion, as Tolkien created him, instead we’ll see Isildur and Eärien ruling the newly formed Kingdom of Gondor as sibling King and Queen.
Who do you think “Viran” is? Another original character? I look forward to reading theories in the comments of this post!
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