Zoe Laveau is part of an upcoming apocalypse involving the Midnight Suns team. Clea has banished the Suns to another dimension, and they must escape in Midnight Suns #4 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Ethan Sacks
Artist: Luigi Zagaria
Colorist: Antonio Fabela
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Editor: Tom Groneman
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 28th, 2022
Previously in Midnight Suns: Valtorr is coming. Once, Agatha Harkness and a coven summoned Valtorr into the world. Now a new vision promises his return through Zoe Laveau and involves the Midnight Suns. Now the Midnight Suns take the fight directly to Valtorr’s realm with the help of another reality’s Tony Stark!
Midnight Suns #4 starts with a flashback of Agatha Harkness trying to save Corina, who was sacrificed to summon Valtorr in the past though she ultimately fails. Meanwhile, the Midnight Suns fight a guardian of Valtorr and use similar tactics to fighting Sentinels. In Valtorr’s dimension, they meet Zoric, a descendent of the coven. As the Suns infiltrate Valtorr’s lair, they only find his body. Meanwhile, Agatha Harkness is under someone’s control, and she uses the Black Mirror to summon someone dressed as Valtorr. The new person is Corina, who has taken her captors’ powers and mastered them while bringing forth the next apocalypse.
Midnight Suns #4 seems to be a lot of information to set up a conclusion. While we get some excellent interactions with Nico upset about her powers, this comic only pushes the plot moving forward. The plot twist is neat, but there doesn’t feel like an emotional effect on the characters. And I think that shines a light on the industry a bit. Since we are limited to page numbers based on what a publisher gives a creative team. Often, plots are rushed or slowed, which is dictated simply by the number of issues a series is given. Literature doesn’t have that; authors add or delete whole paragraphs based on the situation. With all that in mind, Midnight Suns’ plot did not work for me. I was a bit bored and did not get the humor of Sorcerer Supreme Tony Stark.
Midnight Suns #4 spent a lot of time setting up that final issue which promises to be interesting. However, this comic doesn’t stand well on its own out of the context of the whole story. The writing is okay, and the art is good, but this particular issue would read better as part of a trade paperback. 3 out of 5 stars for Midnight Suns #4.
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Midnight Suns #4 sets up the final issue but doesn't stand well outside the context of the series.