Miles is going to the latest convention whether he has an invitation or not. Your Major Spoilers review of Spider-Men: Double Trouble #2 from Marvel Comics, awaits!
Writers: Mariko Tamaki & Vita Ayala
Artists: Gurihiru
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Alanna Smith
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 27th, 2022
Previously in Spider-Men: Double Trouble: Miles Morales and Peter Parker had joined up to have a nice Bring Your Sidekick To Work Day, but before lunch even hits, Miles has been trapped in a pocket dimension.
Spider-Men: Double Trouble #2 opens up with Miles’ family getting ready for dinner and being curious about how his day is going. Miles is still stuck in a pocket dimension that is contained in a coffee mug being carried by Mysterio, who is on his way to Villain Con. Speaking at his panel, Mysterio reveals his pocket universe to the crowd and inadvertently releases Miles. Being alerted to Miles’ appearance at the con, Peter Parker swings into action but is quickly sidetracked by a citizen in need of bike repair. This leaves Miles to fight off the entirety of Spider-Man’s rogue gallery on his own. At least attempt to.
Spider-Men: Double Trouble #2 can be basically broken down into two sections: a short introduction, then one long chase scene. This means that a majority of the plot centers around an action sequence, which is well done and features plenty of Spidey-style action, complete with quips and all. But, with action seemingly taking priority here, the comedy isn’t at the same level as the Double Trouble series has been known for. There are a few jokes, mostly about Miles being Peter’s sidekick and him insisting he’s not. There are some sight gags here and there, but a majority of the humor is relegated to snarky comments, and not all of them land. It’s hard to say that there is anything particularly bad about this issue, it’s more a matter of balance and dynamic. It’s not hard to find a Spider-Man-based comic filled with action sequences and quippy dialog, what has made this series and the past Double Trouble titles good has been its humor, so this issue just feels lacking. Where this issue does fully succeed is establishing the dynamic between Miles and Peter, which can boil down to the sitcom trope of a sort of bumbling boss in Peter Parker and the competent one holding everything up in Miles. It might not be groundbreaking, but it works here well.
Spider-Men: Double Trouble #2 is absolutely fine as a follow-up to the first issue, but it doesn’t balance its humor and action well enough to stand out amongst all the other Spider-Man-centered series. The character interactions are fun though and the big chase is well done. 3.5 out of 5 stars.
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Spider-Men: Double Trouble #2 is filled with some fun action, but doesn’t match that quality with its humor, making this issue feel like just another Spider-Man comic.