Sen finds a gold disc in some space junk and decides she must have it. At the same time, Primoris realizes that she is a surviving Nau, and he decides to capture her. Are these connected? Find out in Voyagis #2 from Image Comics!

Writer: Sumeyye Kesgin
Artist: Sumeyye Kesgin
Colorist: Ellie Wright
Letterer: Sumeyye Kesgin
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 21, 2022
Previously in Voyagis: Sen is the last of her people, the Nau. She and her friend Zakk live on the planet Modia where they set up an ambush to recover some photosynthetic fuel. Instead, some ships sent by Primoris, the local dictator, fly after them. Sen and Zakk take out the ships and recover some water but are further chased by the mech Plabot and more of Primoris’s people. Primoris learns that Sen is a Nau and decides to capture her. The chase by Plabot takes them into low orbit, where Sen spots some unusual space junk, some kind of old satellite, one with a golden disc set in it.
Voyagis #2 opens as Sen dreams of another place. She does not recognize it, but we do. She sits in a chair on a beach. A beach umbrella provides some shade. Before her is a huge body of sparkling water and the scenery looks nothing like Modia. Then an unplugged vacuum cleaner races by, muttering that it is late. Sen falls into a hole and finds herself in a heap of some of the most fascinating junk she has ever seen. She spots a cat, and then Zakk wakes her up.
He tells her they are about to collide with the satellite she found. Sen insists they must try to grab it and bring it back with them. It takes a little work and a lot of their power, but they hook a line into it so they can tow it back. Their heat shield will protect it as well as their ship, until their ship must switch into emergency conservation mode for their fuel. Their landing back on Modia is rough, and the line to the satellite breaks.
Primoris’s people detect the ships crash-landing as well as the unidentified object it brought back. Primoris gives some instructions in a language we do not comprehend.
Their ship is doing okay, despite the crash, but needs some time to recharge. Sen dashes off to find her satellite while Zakk and Gorn wait. Then Zakk spots another crash, and they go over to investigate. He finds the bodies of people from another clan.
Zakk and Sen return to Zakk’s clan where his father, Zorr, tells a story to some youngsters, which gives us some additional backstory. Zakk tells him of the three people who died. Sen shows off the gold disc she found. Zorr calls Comba over and asks her to take a look at the disc. She eventually figures out that it contains a recording and how to play it. As it goes through several Earth languages, none of which the people from Modia understand, Sen finds herself slipping into another dream.
The cat is there, and so is a person who calls herself Joy. She is the boss of this dreamland. She does not know what Nau are, and identifies herself as a human. Sen does not know what a human is. In the waking world, she has passed out. There is an explosion, and Plabot returns, determined to grab Sen.
The opening of Voyagis #2 is disconcerting. While at first the beach looks as sandy as Modia, the brilliant blue sky and towering clouds are different. As Sen explores, we see so many mundane things like a beach ball and a toy pail and shovel that are familiar to us, but not part of Sen’s world. Admittedly, the fretful vacuum cleaner does seem like something straight out of a dream. It is like a twist on Alice in Wonderland as Sen chases it and falls into a mysterious hole that to us looks like a trash heap but to Sen looks like it is full of marvelous treasures. And I love it when the cat shows up.
We do not yet see enough of Zakk’s people to understand their society but introducing Zorr as he tells stories to a group of children tells us that they are people who care about each other and who are trying to create a future for themselves. That it happens to fill us in on the history is a bonus. In the montage that accompanies this scene, we see a glorious vision of what Modia was like before Primoris arrived, and it is a cool mix of enormous trees and organically shaped buildings.
Voyagis #2 continues to play with an interesting premise. I do not like the way Primoris and his forces seem to be mere seconds away no matter what happens, but there is no doubt that the action keeps hopping and moves us along an intriguing path.
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Voyagis #2
After finding the gold disc, Sen starts having weirdly coherent dreams.