The creepy mail-order series continues this week, and we have a sneak peek at Specs #2 from BOOM! Studios.
Specs #2
Retail Price: $3.99
Writer: David M. Booher
Artist: Chris Shehan
Cover Artist:
Main Cover: David Talaski
Incentive Cover (1:10): Chris Shehan
● In this Stranger Things meets Stand by Me story from House of Slaughter artist Chris Shehan and writer David M. Booher (All-New Firefly), the Magic Specs were far more than Kenny and Ted signed up for.
● Given their unwillingness to acknowledge the dangerous consequences of their recent wish, what does this mean for their victim, and what do they do with the glasses moving forward?
● Kenny fears that all of this may affect his and Ted’s relationship… and wonders if they’ll truly remain just “friends.”