Welcome to the future where the divide between rich and poor is massive, and machines assist those who can afford it. Check it all out in Hexware #1 by Image Comics!

Writer: Tim Seeley
Artist: Zulema Scotto Lavina
Colorist: Valentina Cuomo
Letterer: Maurizio Clausi
Editor: Antonio Solinas
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 7th, 2022
Previously in Hexware: Check out a new futuristic miniseries that uniquely combines science fiction and witchcraft. From the minds of Tim Seeley and Zulema Scotto Lavina, can a machine have a soul?
Hexware #1 incorporates nonlinear storytelling of the past and the present day. In the past, the Marks family is shopping with their “which-where” robot. Unfortunately, there is a suicide bomber and an explosion that kills the daughter, Jesminder Marks. The family grieves the death of their daughter, which causes the robot to study pagan rituals in an attempt to help. The robot does a witch ritual to bring the soul back. After making a deal with the devil, the soul is released to the robot, which is assumed to be placed within the robot’s body.
In the present day, the devil has tasked the robot to retrieve those who have escaped the darkest depths. While she struggles to fit in, she puts on a witch hat and fights with Ayesha Pied!
I like the foundation of Hexware #1, but I admit that this story was confusing. I think that has something to do with a lack of understanding of the setting. In fiction, we want the setting, plot, and characters held together with conflict. But I am confused about what precisely the setting is. Do I assume this is just a typical futuristic dystopia? I don’t think there are enough cyberpunk-esque tropes to make that assumption. However, I like the theme that the robot, which used to be a simple program, felt envious of the family she lived with. Did the robot have a soul before making a deal with the devil? It is a unique idea that I want to see Tim Seeley explore.
The art and writing feel a little chaotic on the page. There is so much to look at that I have a bit of information overload. However, the writing is intelligent, and the art is remarkable; there is much to observe.
I think Hexware #1 has much potential, but it tried to do too much in a single issue. If we focused on the origin story and not on the present-day events, I think the book would have had more balance and better pacing. However, I want to know more, and I plan to continue reading this series. Hexware #1 is a 3.5 out of 5 stars.
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Hexware #1
Hexware #1 tries to do many cool things to set up the series but sometimes overwhelms the reader.