Eva’s always wanted to save the world. But even with the super-powers of Radiant Pink, it’s not as easy as she thought. Your Major Spoilers review of Radiant Pink #1 from Image Comics awaits!

Writer: Meghan Camarena and Melissa Flores
Artist: Emma Kubert
Colorist: Rebecca Nalty
Letterer: Becca Carey
Editor: Michael Busuttil
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 7, 2022
Previously in Radiant Pink: Life is good for Eva. Ever since teleporting superhero Radiant Pink (her secret alter ego) started guesting on her streams, her view count has skyrocketed and fame and fortune are surely close behind! But when a charity appearance is interrupted by a squad of mercenaries hunting for the Radiant that powers her, Eva will find herself very far out of her comfort zone.
As we open, Eva (AKA EvaPlayss) is getting ready to begin her next livestream, this one featuring special guest-star Radiant Pink! Of course, the complicated bit is that Eva actually IS Radiant Pink, working with the magic of tape delay and a little help from her friend, Maddie to simulate a two-way conversation. The stream is a big hit, boosting the numbers for her next charity event at a local children’s hospital, but unfortunately the same tech thieves who have been tracking Radiant Black to harvest power for their tech gear have come for Pink as well. When a bomb interrupts the charity event, Radiant Pink begins using her teleportals to help evacuate the patients and staff. With the help of an EMT named Kelly, she manages to get all the children to safety, but their last jump fizzles a bit, leaving the two of them stranded… somewhere?
And, of course, Eva doesn’t know that Kelly is, in truth, one of the power thieves.
That final page reveal isn’t the most shocking bit of the story, though, and much of the issue is devoted to careful and well-constructed peeks behind Eva’s gamer facade. Even though she tries to keep moving and engaging, Radiant Pink has some serious emotional issues to deal with, and when she finally stops moving, she ends up falling asleep by the ocean. Maddie and her grandma have a discussion about it as part of the exposition, but it ends up feeling natural and personal. Of course, Abuela’s features are the biggest issue that I have with the art, as she almost looks like she’s melting. The young, cute people all look great, though, and the storytelling through the hospital rescue, leading up to the last page reveal is very well-done. There’s also a little hint of flirtation between EMT Kelly and Radiant Eva that may or may not be going anywhere, but given the context (Eva’s ex is moving on with her new “soulmate” and she’s feeling lonely and isolated) it also feels too real.
Ever since the first issue of Radiant Black, the Massive-Verse books have been my jam, and Radiant Pink #1 is no exception, matching a charming, multi-layered protagonist with some very cute art for a well-deserved 4 out of 5 stars overall. The whole issue balances emotion with bright coloring and some fast-paced action, and I enjoyed the heck out of it.
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A fun protagonist, a startling ending and some true heroics in the middle make for a very good read.