Frank Castle is working with the Hand and must be killed! Can the world’s criminals come together to finally take him down? Find out in Punisher War Journal: Brother #1 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Torunn Gronbekk
Artist: Rafael T. Pimentel
Colorist: Matt Milla
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Annalise Bissa
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: October 12th, 2022
Previously in Punisher: The Hand offered to resurrect Frank Castle’s wife, Maria, if he became one of the Fists of the Beast. Now Frank uses the Hand’s resources to battle criminals, warmongers, and violent offenders across the globe!
Punisher War Journal: Brother #1 starts with a meeting. All the leaders of the criminal underworld come together to take out Frank Castle. They aim to put a 500-million-dollar bounty on whoever can kill him and send everyone to hunt him down, including local petty criminals. In Scetzgata, a boy takes a picture of the Punisher and makes a quick half million. With his location known, several criminals try to take him down. But they are untrained and die to the Punisher’s blade. Even a kid and his mother try to kill him, but Punisher lets the kid live.
Frank pushes towards his target while also being hunted by drones to get his bounty. Using his targets as dummies, he and the Hand set up a trap for his assassins. However, he comes face to face with Jigsaw and kills him after sustaining grievous injuries. The Hand then takes him back to their base and heals his wounds. Frank, newly healed, returns to his room and snuggles with his wife.
I haven’t followed the Punisher title. When I read the premise that Frank is working with the Hand, I was pleasantly surprised. Punisher War Journal: Brother #1 has an excellent concept that evolves the character in a brand-new way. This book accomplishes its job by wanting me to check out the main ongoing title. My main gripe is that Punisher, a swordsman without any guns, seems a little out of place. I know that he is trained in several forms of martial arts, but I was surprised when he was killed with a sword. Watching him lead a team of Hand agents is also a little odd. Perhaps I am out of touch with the character, but he never struck me as the leader of the team type. I guess you do what you must when you have a chance to be with your wife again.
There were many good elements of the art style. The artist and colorist are incredibly consistent from page to page. This is a violent comic, and the creative team uses blood to create emphasis well. However, I can’t think of a specific image that stands out to me as I read through this issue.
Punisher War Journal: Brother #1 provides an excellent context for the recent storylines of the Punisher. Frank Castle has some interesting new characterizations that are interesting to explore. With all that in mind, this comic is a solid 4 out of 5 stars.
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Punisher War Journal: Brother #1
Punisher War Journal: Brother #1 makes me want to check out the main title and find out what is going on with Frank Castle.