Aliens have abducted teenagers from around the Earth, and humanity is powerless to stop it. But when Liam’s brother is kidnapped, he knows he must do something. Find out what happens in Break Out #3 by Dark Horse Comics!

Writer: Zack Kaplan
Artist: Wilton Santos
Colorist: Jason Wordie
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Editor: Spencer Cushing
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 31st, 2022
Previously in Break Out: Liam Watts is a bright teenager with a promising future. However, his planet is under siege, where the aliens specifically abduct teenagers. Now, Liam has assembled a team to break out his brother and their friends.
Break Out #3 starts with Liam handing his crew flu shots before they are abducted. The flu shot will convince the alien robots that they are sick and put them in isolation. From there, Rosa and Nate move to shut down the security force fields while everyone else shuts down the robots and security cameras. Then they arrive at the prison, where Liam is reunited with their brother, Tommy. Nate realizes they can save everyone, and Tommy convinces Liam that they must try. Liam, Tommy, and Alana then head to the bridge and knock out an alien with their reprogrammed robot.
The biggest challenge now is to find a way to transport 200+ teenagers back to Earth. Pierce, Rosa, and Nate try to train the other teenagers how to reprogram robots to hitch a ride. However, the alien wakes up and slashes Tommy across the chest with his claw-like hand!
Break Out #3 reads just like a heist story. They even included a montage-like incident as our teenage heroes try to infiltrate. And I think that is why the narrative arc works so well. Everything follows all the tropes of a heist where the treasure is family and human beings, and the enemy is an invading alien from another dimension. But I think what the story excels at is the portrayal of youthful enthusiasm and ignorance. The characters show uncharacteristic bravery for someone their age. I can hand wave some questions about whether kids could reprogram an alien robot.
I do want to comment on the publication timeline. The last issue came out in May, more than three months ago. While the plotline returned to me quickly, some characters did not, and I had to use context clues to remember some of the names. On top of that, I think Break Out #3 is designed to be a trade rather than a single issue. With the production schedule being this long, it took away from my initial enjoyment. However, once I did my second and third read-through, I was sucked back into the action.
Break Out #3 as a trade will be a contender for the best miniseries of 2022 for me. I think this is an excellent book with solid art and coloring. However, don’t read this issue unless you have read the first two, or you will be very confused. Break Out #3 is a 4 out of 5 stars, and I can’t wait until the final issue.
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Break Out #3
Break Out #3 is a great story that suffers from a long publication schedule.