The world is hurtling towards WWIII and the best and brightest from around the world prepare to lead the fight, your Major Spoilers review of 20th Century Men #1, awaits!

Writer: Deniz Camp
Artist: S. Morian
Letterer: Aditya Bidikar
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 17th, 2022
Previously in 20th Century Men: At the end of the 20th century, superheroes, geniuses, madmen, and activists rush towards WWIII. A Soviet “iron” hero, a superpowered American president, an insane cyborg soldier, an Afghan woman hellbent on building a better life for her people-these strange yet familiar beings collide in a story that mixes history, politics, and comic book mythology.
20th Century Men #1 opens in 1969 in Vietnam. An official is flown in by helicopter and escorted through a military base until he is shown the disfigured remains of someone crafted into a statue. The narrative primarily follows Petar Platonov, a Russian scientist who has built himself a mech suit. His story shows him assisting with the USSR’s war effort in Afghanistan in the late 80s, including his handling of a fight between members of the puppet government set up in Kabul. He’s eventually informed that one of his inventions, a massive mechanical heart that puts out massive energy, has been stolen. This issue also follows Azra, an Afghani genius who appears to have a relationship with Petar. She primarily assists him with the argument, but then denies his offer to return to Russia with him. The issue wraps up with Ex-super soldier “American Dream”, who’s now president of the United States, announcing that he has mobilized the military to “rescue” Afghanistan from the Russians.
20th Century Men #1 features a multilayered plotline that is both easy to follow, and reveals a large amount of the universe in efficient and non-distracting ways. The small vignettes showing backstories are often just one snippet of a conversation but still manages to inform. That is what this issue’s greatest success is, its respect for the reader. Rather than flood panels with tons of exposition, the reader only gets what they absolutely need and is then allowed to piece things together. On the flipside, there’s no attempt to artificially create mystery. While the depictions of the various nationalities in this book do lean more towards satirical, they never cross over into parody territory. If there’s one area that deserves some criticism it’s the premise. An alternate history story where superheroes exist, is something that has been done many, many, times. So far though, this does seem to have a competent approach to this premise.
The art in 20th Century Men #1 is just the frosting and cherry on top of an already delicious cake. One of the most intriguing aspects of the art is how it switches up styles sometimes from panel to panel, just to emphasize a point. Regardless of the style, the hand-painted look remains, and for good reason, it’s done incredibly well.
20th Century Men #1 is a smart and complex book that mixes poetic language and troubling scenarios. While the story it’s telling is based on some well worn out tropes, it has a fresh feel to its approach. Of course, if the story isn’t doing it for you, the art should. 4 out of 5 stars.
20th Century Men #1
20th Century Men #1 mixes beautiful painted art with a poignant and eloquent narration to create a stellar first issue. Some of the story will seem a bit familiar though.