In January 2022, Stan Sakai will kick off the new “Crossroads” story arc in the pages of Usagi Yojimbo #25.
Usagi Yojimbo reaches the 25th issue of its full-color, monthly series at IDW with a new two-part storyline, “Crossroads.” In this tale, Usagi and Yukichi have left the Northern Province where Usagi was branded a criminal as a Lord Mifune loyalist. They come upon a group of pilgrims traveling to the local temples, set upon and left for dead by a band of cutthroat ronin with no regard for the law. In hunting after them, Usagi and Yukichi must head back to the very province from which they just escaped!
“Yukichi is Usagi’s cousin, and someone with whom he will be traveling for a while,” said Sakai in a press release from IDW Publishing. “Yukichi is younger and less experienced so Usagi has to take on the role of mentor, though he learns a few things himself. I like the dynamics between these two and their travels make good springboards for new adventures.”