A recent episode of What If…? reminded me of a couple of important bits of Marvel Universe lore: First, Chadwick Boseman is utterly amazing. But second, T’Challa is an amazing leader, who was able to reason Thanos out of genocide, befriend Nebula to offset her sociopathy and even temper Yondu’s piratey ways. He really is a candidate for the Best Boss in MCU canon, leading us to today’s supervisory query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would like you to just use the new TPS report cover sheet form from now on, if you could, as that would be greeeeeat, asking: Which fictional character do you feel would make the BEST Boss?
The qualities that I think would make a best boss include: a clarity of vision and the ability to communicate goals; a facility with improvising organization to adapt to different circumstances of work force and marketplace; a level of empathy and observation that informs and guides without being intrusive; a practice of listening to, understanding, and respecting the capabilities of the workers; an ability to assign tasks that challenge the workers enough to keep them involved while engendering an atmosphere that shows trust and faith in their capabilities to succeed in the assigned tasks with a level of ownership and pride in their work; and overall, a patience that abides, a cool head that prevails, and a spirit that brings a sense of joy to the work.
With those qualities in mind, it becomes clear that the BEST boss will almost certainly be fictional. Today, I’m thinking that means Albus Dumbledore. Insightful, trusting, challenging, abiding, bringing out the best from those under his direction.
Optimus Prime would be pretty good. Has leadership, empathy and is also a millions of years old robot.