Back in the 1950s, Fawcett Comics ended the publication of their comic books after a legal challenge from DC Comics claiming that Captain Marvel was too close to their intellectual property, Superman. It’s a moment that changed the comics industry, but the battle between the Big Red Cheese and the Big Blue Boy Scout is played out in 2021. It’s much more interesting to consider their distaff counterparts, the twin sister and the younger cousin, both of whom have a lot in common in the 21st Century, leading to today’s super-strong-and-also-graceful query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) realizes that these two heroes also share a tendency for editorial to not know what to do with them and for fans to oversexualize them in their drawings, asking: Power Girl or Mary Marvel?
Mary Marvel has a less confused history than the Kryptonean/Atlantean/Kryptonean with poor sartorial taste.
Power Girl. she always seemed to be more “mature” as a character. More of an actual SuperHero compared to mary marvels being relatable to by the teen crowd.
I’ve always liked Power Girl, more than Supergirl too.