One of the bigger problems with the Internet is the negativity. When it comes to computer-generated effects, the response is always negative, focusing on silky, boneless characters or ridiculously over-designed elements. But CGI, like traditional animation, is just a tool, and is has led to some wonderful visuals. My favorite CGI moment takes place in the underrated science fiction epic, ‘Titan A.E.’, where a battle in a heavily mirrored ice field turns into a beautiful tour de force of space combat. So today, we’re gonna talk your FAVORITE CGI, with the reminder that the only wrong answer to the MS-QOTD is “None”, leading to today’s LIghtWave 3D query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) isn’t necessarily talking BEST, as that’s in the eye of the beholder, asking: What’s your favorite CGI moment of all?
I like CGI plenty and fine, but I suppose I like it best when I don’t ‘notice’ it. So, with that in mind, it will be turning Gary Sinise into a double-amputee in Forrest Gump.
Its still probably Ents attacking Isengard. Not that its necessarily the most impressive, at least anymore, but it was one of the things I considered “impossible” before Lord of the Rings movies were out. Generally, I’m not a big CGI fan, don’t like my movies looking like video games. I play those separately and I know enough about game development that I can see those Unreal engine effects.