A recent episode of ‘Supergirl’ finally gave Alex Danvers, Supergirl’s big sister, and alias of her own: Sentinel. I have to say, I was not impressed, especially from a television show that already featured a character called Guardian in previous episodes. Still, it’s better than the synonymous Protector, a name that even sunk Noh-Varr of the Kree Imperium, one of Morrison’s wildest and wackiest characters. For my part, Sentinel is a bit shopworn, having already been used for Alan Scott, a member of U.N. Force, Marvel’s mutant-hunting robots, a member of Youngblood and a Chris Sarandon flick from 1977. Given the option of being Sentinel, Guardian or Protector, I’m not sure where I’d fall, leading us to today’s AKA query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) also can’t figure out how Alex keeps a secret identity when her mask seems to consist of smoky eye and a mess of blue eyeshadow, asking: What’s the most overused nom de guerre in your mind: Sentinel, Guardian or Protector?
Sentinel. The X-men foe comes to mind. I am sure that countless Indy comics trot out their ‘Sentinel’ character too.
Despite ‘Sentinels of the Multiverse’ being a team kind of thing, ‘Sentinel’ always gives me the sense of a lone defender, standing outside that which it protects. A ‘Guardian’ feels more part of that which it protects. ‘Protector’ is just too on-the-nose.
So, while ‘Vindicator’ might be a more interesting follow-on to ‘Guardian,’ the evocative lone-warrior sense of ‘Sentinel’ edges it just a little bit above today’s choices.