Jessica Cruz, Cyborg, Starfire, and the rest must make their last stand or else all the multiverse will fall to Darkseid. Your Major Spoilers review of Justice League: Odyssey #25, awaits!

Writer: Dan Abnett
Artist: Will Conrad
Colorist: Rain Beredo
Letterer: Andworld Design
Editor: Mike Cotton
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 13th, 2020
Previously in Justice League: Odyssey: It’s all come down to this. Darkseid is trying to get his hands on The Revision Machine in order to remake history in his image. The only thing standing his way is the entirety of Jessica Cruz’s team, including an extra Jessica and Cyborg plucked from time for good measure.
Darkseid Is…
Justice League: Odyssey #25 opens right in the heat of battle as Darkseid tries to fight through Jessica Cruz and her teammates to get to The Revision Machine. The heroes manage to do a decent job holding him back until he manages to get a hold of one of the Cyborgs and uses him to call in an army of Para-Angels. This now possessed Cyborg also shoots one of the Jessica Cruz’s in the midsection. Elsewhere, Dex-Starr, Gamma, and Hax struggle with what to do with The Revision Machine and whom to support in the struggle. Eventually they decide to destroy The Revision Machine, which sends Darkseid retreating to Apokolips. The issue then ends with some sacrifices and a reveal at the end that I won’t spoil here.
This Is How They End Things?
For the most part Justice League: Odyssey #25 is pretty much what you would expect from a final issue of a smaller title. It’s a lot of action and fighting, then some quick narrative gymnastics to put everything back to status quo, with just a couple of things that will most likely have an impact on the universe later. It’s not original in any stretch of the imagination, but it’s not done poorly. And, while it was pretty clear how this issue was going to play out, it wasn’t like there weren’t some nice moments to be had, like how Dex-Starr decides to start destroying The Revision Machine, or how they deal with the extra Cyborg and Jessica Cruz. The biggest problem I have with this issue is specifically the final page. By this point, the series had ended, there was even a nice little page with a foreboding message for the DC Universe at large. But it keeps going, with the final page basically being a massive tie-in to the Dark Nights: Death Metal. What’s frustrating about this is that while Justice League: Odyssey hasn’t been perfect, what it has been is a mostly entertaining romp that focused on some B-tier characters and even gave those characters some truly memorable moments. To cap all that off with a tie-in to another Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman event feels cheap.
Bottom Line: Perfect Middle of The Road Comic, with an Unfortunate Ending
As a series finale, Justice League: Odyssey #25 does exactly what it needs to: It ties up some loose strings, brings the major conflict to a close, and adds just enough to the universe so that it’s not pointless. It’s not flashy in how it accomplishes these goals, but it still does them competently with very minimal eye rolling. It unfortunately falls victim to the current state of comics business and has its ending slightly tarnished for it. 3 out of 5 stars.
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Justice League: Odyssey #25
Chances are if you’ve been reading this series, you’re already picking up Justice League: Odyssey #25 and will be mostly satisfied with the ending, if you haven’t been much of a fan, this issue isn’t going to sway you.