Nadia’s first mission back on a Trauma Team is rough going for sure. But the first person they are in charge of saving is the man who killed her previous team! Find out if they can make it out alive in Cyberpunk 2077 Trauma Team #2 by Dark Horse Comics!

Writer: Cullen Bunn
Artist: Miguel Valderrama
Colorist: Jason Wordie
Letterer: Frank Cvetkovic
Editor: Megan Walker
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 7th, 2020
Previously in Cyberpunk 2077: Nadia is a part of a group called the Trauma Team who rescue people from dangerous situations. However, a man known as Apex murdered her last team right in front of her. Now that she has been assigned to a new team, their first mission is to fight their way through a gang infested apartment to save the same Apex.
This issue has two major points. Nadia is unable to act in the present day as she struggles to save her team and then a sequence of flashbacks that show a little bit more about the character. In the present, one of Nadia’s teammates is killed while the others are yelling at her to get her head back in the game. In the past, it is shown that she was actually sleeping with a member of her old team. Not only did she lose a comrade but she lost a lover. In the present, Nadia’s team asks for an extraction but their extraction vehicle is shot out of the sky. The Trauma Team tries to reconvene but Nadia decides to pull out her pistol. Not onto the gang members but onto Apex himself.
In this issue, we really get into the psyche of Nadia. Despite being in heavy action sequences, the writer does a good job showing us why Nadia pulls the pistol. I found myself more engaged with this sequence then if they just spent more time in the action. Through just a few small scenes, I know more about Nadia then if we had several comic issues of exposition prior to this event. The writers take it slow and show us only what we need to understand the story and my mind can fill out some of those other details. I feel like Cullen Bunn trusts his readers to fill in what is not shown on the page and that is a nice change of pace.
I wasn’t really attached to the comic as a whole last issue. Last issue,I thought I was lost in the setting a bit. Here I felt a laser focused on the character and what she was going through. This is a 4 out of 5 stars from me and I am really excited to see how Cullen Bunn resolves the trauma of the world and the trauma of the character!
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Cyberpunk 2077 Trauma Team #2
Nadia is trying to save a client but the client killed Nadia's previous trauma team!