The Justice League had Bloodwynd. The Avengers had a Bloodstone, as did nextwave, while the Valiant Universe gave us Bloodshot and another role for Vin Diesel. Image Comics may have been the king of the blood naming, with Bloodstrike, Youngblood, Blood Simple and The Bloodpool, though, now that I think of it, one of those may be a Coen Brothers movie. But the best use of blood in a super-name might have to be a minor character named Drew Blood, who serves as both a pun and a name that I’m surprised ECW never put in a wrestling match, leading to today’s exsanguinated query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) finds it confusing that Liefeld’s character Bloodwulf isn’t spelled Bludwulf or Bloodwoolf, asking: What sanguinated team name or alias constitutes the BEST use of blood?
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Blood Angels. Space Marine chapter from Warhammer 40K.