Mike Murdock is no longer an identity created by Matt but a real living and breathing person! He now works for Wilson Fisk and The Hood and some may wonder if he is here to stay. Find out in Daredevil Annual #1 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Chip Zdarsky
Artist: Manuel Garcia, Le Beau Underwood, and Chris Mooneyham
Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Editor: Devin Lewis
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 26th, 2020
Previously on Daredevil: Mike Murdock was an identity created by Matt to take on the Daredevil mantle and release suspicion on Daredevil’s true identity. After a mistake by the Inhuman Reader, Mike Murdock became a “fragment”. He has these memories that he knows are not real and yet he is as real as anything else. Matt decides to let Mike go free and Mike goes to Wilson Fisk looking for work and protection. Fisk agrees and sends him to work for The Hood.
Mike Murdock is pretending to be his brother so that The Hood can use that distraction to rob people. However, Mike learns of a Norn Stone in The Hood’s possession that could rewrite reality. He steals the stone and hires Black Cat to steal a ritual book for him and prepares to create Mike into reality. With this ritual, his memories become real and he becomes a real person.
Through flashbacks, we see his impact on everyone’s life. He was always the tough guy to Matt Murdock’s genius and Mike is laden with guilt. The accident that caused Matt’s blindness was due to Mike paying him to go to summer school in his place. The reason why his father decided to win the fight he was supposed to throw was because Mike put down a lot of money on him. He, in a way, caused his brother’s blindness and his father’s death. Mike then settles his new life and reality and meets up with Butch as they drink to Wilson Fisk.
Man, I don’t know what to make of this book. This is clearly an exposition for future daredevil storylines but I am not sure what to make of Mike. He represents a brash chaotic character that Matt Murdock could have been. With this storyline we get to see him develop a little more character and act as a better foil to Daredevil in future issues. Mike is going to have to deal with his life being more or less a lie even though he wrote himself into existence. And what are the consequences we don’t see? I am going to enjoy future issues as we explore this new complication.
This annual provides interesting art and a solid baseline for future stories. The imposter syndrome theme is something that is prevalent and should resonant with readers. I am a little hyped about the next Daredevil issue and seeing this relationship between Mike and Matt. 4 out of 5 stars for Daredevil Annual #1.
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We all know about Matt Murdock but what about his brother Mike?