I don’t know about you, but for a comedy, the original film version of ‘Ghostbusters‘ has a LOT of truly frightening, horrifying, even downright chilling bits. The free-floating full-torso vaporous apparition in the library? Dana’s abduction by disembodied arms? Venkman torturing the actual psychic kid out sheer jerkassery? All really scary. Even the stop-motion devil “dogs” rank about the scariest funny things I’ve seen, and Mister Stay-Puft becomes quite unnverving when he starts emoting, leading us to today’s Wes Craven query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) finds much of the imagery in ‘Monsters Inc’ to be blood-curdling, but it’s not as scary as ‘Pink Elephants On Parade’ from ‘Dumbo’, asking: What’s the scariest funny movie, book, show or comic you’ve ever experienced?
“Tremors” does a great job of balancing sublimely ridiculous moments with a real sense of menace and danger. The scene in the survivalists’ basement is masterful.
First I can think of was when I saw Gremlins when it came out. Didn’t know what to expect and I was like 5.
yup, came here to say Gremlins. saw that at a birthday party on vhs as a kid, and had the same reaction.
Yeah, I was thinking about Gremlins as well.
The Burbs, while mostly funny, definitely has its creepy moments