It’s a known part of Marvel canon that, along with phenomenal physical strength and invulnerability, the Incredible Hulk can see (and communicate with) astral forms and ghosts. Why? Dunno. And it’s never really been explained, either, it’s just an inexplicable ability that he has. Of course, he’s not the only one, as Spider-Man once developed the ability to come back from the dead through a horde of spiders, Superman used to be able to change his face through supreme muscular control and The Martian Manhunter could create ice cream with his mind. That’s a power I wouldn’t mind sharing, leading us to today’s combo plate query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) thinks the kicker has to be Marrow who, after having her heart ripped out, discover that she had a second heart in reserve, asking: Does it ruin suspension of disbelief when a character has a completely inexplicable ability?
It depends on type of story. In general high powered super hero type things, anything goes because none of the abilities make much sense, even the basic ones like super strength (Like how can anyone lift so much without ground collapsing under their feet, let alone how would any heavy object hold when lifted from hand sized point?) If story is trying to sell a more believable setting, then abilities need to be somewhat logical and consistent too.
Yes, it does. That moment of “Huh?” breaks suspension and reeks of lazy writing. “Secondary mutations” in X-men related books are a prime example, introducing incongruent powers to get out of writing into a corner or to fit a square peg non-combat-power character into a kewl kombat round hole.