Aside from being the best Batman, the second-best Jethro and the most tolerable part of ‘The Drew Carey Show’ cast, Deidrich Bader was also Lawrence, the handlebar-mustachioed philosopher of ‘Office Space.’ Even though the middle-management folk mocked his construction job, Lawrence had his stuff together and never had to listen to an awful co-worker exclaim something banal about “a case of the Mondays”, which seemed like he had the better deal and leads us to today’s triplicate TPS query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) has a particular hate-trigger for hearing “Meh” in response to nearly ANY query, asking: What phrase would lead you to violence as quickly as Lawrence would kick your butt for saying ‘A Case of the Mondays’?
Way too many of these modern social media things that people use to badly describe things.
“It is what it is” or “Life is not fair”.