It’s always interesting to ask my child for help on the MS-QOTD, especially when she’s been hanging out on TikTok or Instagram all day. Today, her suggestion was “Who would you see if somebody showed you your worst nightmare?” I won’t elaborate on my answer, which caused her to sigh and tell me “It has to be a MADE-UP person, Dad!”, but suffice to say that the strength of her concept is undeniable, especially if we focus specifically on a pop-culture nightmare. Indeed, it’s such a good idea that it shall serve us well as today’s subconscious query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would expect to see either Maximilian from ‘The Black Hole’ or Atmos, asking: Which character would you expect to see if someone showed you YOUR worst pop-culture nightmare?
The thing (1982).
Kilgrave from Jessica Jones.