There are a LOT of super-heroes in the world, and I’ve made it my business to know as many as my bulbous gray matter can retain, especially those who get no respect from the general public. Back in the 1980s, your humble MS-QOTD had nothing but disdain for the adventures of Captain Planet, but as I’ve aged, I find the show’s lack of pretension to be kind of endearing. One thing you could always count on the good Cap’n to do was hammer home the message with the full elemental-powers-combined of his freakish alien-blue body and the cast was remarkably diverse (even if the token white jerk kid got to be leader). Indeed, The Planeteers have a lot of pretty impressive moments in the hundred or so episodes, and their array of abilities are the prototype for the proverbial Five-Man Band hero configuration, leading us to today’s elemental query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) has a penchant for fire-based powers which my mother always attributed to being born under the sign of Sagittarius, asking: Which of The Planeteers’ powers combined do you find most attractive: Earth, Air, Fire, Water or Heart?
As much as I tend to rush headlong into the superior and practical power of Earth, I find myself leaning towards Heart in this case; I feel like the world needs a lot more love and understanding while a tall blue alien beats the crap out of you for not listening.
I’m probably very much earth person, but Captain Planets hair is a power in itself. I’d take that.