Captain Sisko said it best: “Where are all the flying cars?” The simple answer, of course, is “Insurance makes them prohibitively costly,” but this is Major Spoilers! We don’t deal in reality, here, so I echo his words: “Where is my jetpack, Cap’n Sisko?” The idea of having my own personal jet propulsion system has always appealed to me, especially when you consider what a pain in the butt it is to get even the few miles to work. It’s a five-minute flight, but a 25 minute drive, which would be ameliorated by even the least coolest jetpack. Where’s Cliff Secord when ya need ‘im? Probably hanging out with his super-attractive lady friend, leading us to today’s self-propelled query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) always loved when those real Bell jetpacks would appear on ‘Gilligan’s Island’ and ‘Lost In Space’, asking: Who’s got the coolest jetpack of them all?
Those wing-like propulsion systems several Gundam models got that create light wings, mirages and huge neon colored trails.
Oooh, good call. I don’t even know what that means, but I like it! :)
Something like this: