A recent list of Ten Things rose an interesting question: Is Green Arrow or Hawkeye the better archer? On the one hand, Green Arrow spent a long time in the 80s impaling people on broadhead arrows with surgical precision, but there’s also the moment where a higher being tried to give Hawkeye a magical bow, only for both of them to admit that he never misses anyway. Both of them have had long careers among gods and super-aliens with just their wits, bowstrings and perhaps some ridiculous facial hair, augmented by loud mouths and hot heads, leading to today’s pinpoint-accurate query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) can’t find any textual explanation for it, but believes on a gut level that Green Arrow is more accurate, but Hawkeye makes up for it with tenacity, trick arrows and acrobatic skill, asking: Who IS the better archer: Green Arrow or Hawkeye?
You’re a monster.
The real monster is someone who has never read some Lew Archer…
Well, now I just want to answer Sterling.
Brave and the Bold Green Arrow.