Since today is my birthday, I’ve decided that our MS-QOTD for today is gonna be less “question” and more “riddle.” Bob has told you one thing that should allow you to immediately deduce the his birthday: “The day before yesterday, I was only 25. Next year, I will turn 28.” There’s only one possible answer, Faithful Spoilerites, which leads us to today’s celebratory query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) asks that you don’t cheat and Google the answerm, putting us all on our honor, asking: What day of the year is Bob’s birthday?
December 31st is the only way it works.
What do I win?
The adulation of your peers and respect from the sheep in the fields!
Awesome! Now I just have to figure out a way to frame an abstract concept and hang it on my wall.
I’d use gorilla hooks.
Seems sound.