There are a lot of places in the world where we can all feel judged. My parallell parking makes me extremely self-conscious, as does any time I have to explain something on the internet. Strangely, I don’t feel public speaking, because judge away, losers, but I have worried about what people think of me, and I find that it helps to pretend that it’s Jay Garrick watching me. He’d always be helpful and constructive, even when you screw up for real, and he’d even offer assistance from years of runnin’ at high speed, leading to today’s jurisprudential query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) figures you’re wondering what “judge” means in this context, and my response to that is “I dunno, whaddaya got?”, asking: What fictional character would you be most comfortable with as your judge?
If I didn’t do it, Superman.
Karnak. He’d find the flaws that need to be worked on.