Action Lab Entertainment has released its list of exclusives for this week’s San Diego Comic Con 2019.
Action Lab is located at Booth #1735. These are the all-age comic book exclusives available at the show:
SDCC Cover Art by Rod Espinosa
Writer(s): Rod Espinosa
Artist Name(s): Rod Espinosa
Clari is as bubbly as Barbie, as noble as She-Ra, and as violent as any anime warrior princess you’ve ever seen! Young Clariette and her friends Jolfe the Wizard and Ariarra the Healer are tossed directly into a full-scale battle as thousands of orcs, beasts and ogres attack the gigantic convoy of the noble Lord Justinius as they prepare to take up their post guarding Clariette’s home town of Good River!
When all seems lost, an unexpected ally appears!
32 pgs./ T / FC
SDCC Cover Art by Jeanine-Jonee
Writer(s): Jeanine-Jonee
Artist Name(s): Jeanine-Jonee (Pencils, inks, colors), Kyle P. Holland (Additional colors)
Seafoam follows the adventures of Madison, a spunky 9-year-old girl who is granted passage to a beach full of mystical and nautical themed creatures after helping a beached narwhal. There she befriends a stand-offish boy she calls Blue, who has a few secrets of his own. In their premier adventure the kids face off against the Hypnoctopus, a vulgar vulgaris with the ability to control minds.
28 pgs./ E / FC
Get the SDCC cover signed by creator/writer/artist Jeanine-Jonee during SDCC! She’ll be signing on July 20-21 from 1 pm to 2 pm at booth #1735.
SDCC Cover Art by Marty LeGrow
Writer(s): Marty LeGrow
Artist Name(s): Marty LeGrow
A twenty-five year old treasure hunt may soon be coming to an end with Trixie’s discovery. But how does her hero Portia Palkin fit into it? When was her iconic painting suspiciously altered? And why do four ordinary symbols keep appearing everywhere?
32 pgs./ A / FC
Marty LeGrow will be at booth #1735 during the convention to sign volumes of TOYETICA and the SDCC exclusive cover.