Thanks to the celebration of Independence Day, I have the day off today, and I’m probably going to spend it putting together cool stuff for all my friends here at Major Spoilers. (The fact that my whole weekend is tied up with trips to the airport probably doesn’t help matters, but mostly it’s because Spoilerites deserve cool stuff.) The storms today mean that I likely wouldn’t be able to go to a parade or a fireworks show anyway, and I’m not going to hang out and drink on a lake, in the way of my people, because I have to work at 7 a.m. tomorrow, leading to today’s vacational query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) intends to get some PS4 Spider-Man played today as well, because those freakin’ pigeons won’t catch themselves, asking: What will/would you do if today were a day off for you?
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I’ll play video games and read a comic or two.