Mario and Luigi! Billy and Mary! Bruce and Thomas, Junior! They’re all great sibling duos… Okay, well, maybe not that last one. Even Cyclops and Havok, who seem like they can’t stand one another for long, manage to pull off the team-up on occasion, getting along as well as Eddie and Alex Van Halen. (Cyclops is totally the drummer, too.) From the Boondock Saints to The Bella Twins, pairs of siblings are all over the place in pop culture, leading to today’s related query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) thinks that The Undertaker and Kane, an undead zobmbie and the mayor of Knox County, TN, might have an edge here, asking: Who’s the best sibling duo in all of pop culture?
Bret and Bart Maverick!
(I kinda pretend the Brent eps are an alternate universe)
Let’s see. Luke & Leia is pretty good contender. Mega Man & Proto Man are pretty close, though.