Well, this week was SUPPOSED to have an issue of ‘Doomsday Clock’ which returned the Justice Society of America to the canon, but thanks to delays, all we get is a preview and the mess than was the latest issue of ‘Heroes In Crisis.’ Still, the idea of having the JSA back makes me quite happy, as I’ve been a fan of them since the days of the All-Star Squadron, and I can’t imagine the team without founding member Jay “The Flash” Garrick. Others have opined the the group MUST have Hawkman, and some support The Green Lantern, which all leads to today’s boogie-woogie bugle query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) will concede that modern JSA stories kind of need Stargirl/Star-Spangled Kid, if only to have someone who isn’t a nonagenarian, asking: Which member of the Justice Society is ABSOLUTELY necessary for a successful revival?
Hour Man!
Just always loved the mechanics of the power set.
Jay or Alan has to be there, but to revive the team in modern comics you need Star Girl. Just the right kind of character: likable, young and perfect as an inexperienced but idealistic team leader. Grampa heroes will fit perfectly to mentor role.